Dream Interpret | Dream Interpretation
Dream Dictionary - A to Z

Dreams starting with the letter W

Worms coming out from arm skin

Wart feet

What is the meaning of not delivering the placenta?

What does it mean when a demonic person tries to kill me in my dream?

What does it mean if you do dirty stuff with your crush in your dream?

Walking with open wooden shoes which have no strip

What does it mean if the cloud shapes as animal in dreams?

Wild boar head in a human body enter my house

Went to bathroom, hallucinated materials blocking way out

Women in white

What does rashes on back mean?


Wet tennis balls

What does cutting sugarcane in your dream means?

What does cutting sugarcane in your dreams means?

What does it mean when someone gives you a pink blanket in a dream?

Wrapper from husband

While operating in the tyres of an airplane and also flying it


What does it mean when someone steal your tv in your dreams?

Wrong dirty hotel room

White hair turning black in dream

When crow transform into human?

Wind damaging house

What if you are dreaming that you are stay on the triangle on the middle of water and they is blood in side the water and you wearing red?

Walking restrained looking for vehicle

Walking around slowly looking for truck

Watch strap broken

Women sleep guys lap

Water flowing i. reverse direction

What does lotus mean?

Wearing pink and black dress in my dream

When u dream about someone giving u a black comb?

What does it mean to dream yourself been prayed for by an old man?

What does it mean to dream your self drinking water and you find out that thy were candles inside the water?

What does it mean to dream your self drinking water and you find out that thy were white candles inside the water?

Walking in a dirty mud

Which number cursing represent

What number does it present in uk four nine lucky number dream if you dream about cursing?

Washing my private part by someone else

What it means to see cows drinking water in the stream in a dream?

What does it mean dreaming about someone dead helping you?

What does it mean when you dream driving a car and petrol finishes along the way?

What does it mean when dream of your child being bitten by a snake?

Wating with a wolf

What does that mean to dream cooking cater ar?

When someone hit my head and i started bleeding?

What does it mean when something hit you head and you started bleeding?

Water iris

What does it mean to dream slapping my former worker and blood came out?

Wife falling in awell

What does dreaming weeding dream maize and peanut mean?

What does dreaming weeding green maize and peanute mean?

What does weeding dream mean?

What dose it mean if i think about kissing my aunt on the lips in my dream?

What does it mean when you see alot of dry reeds on top of water in the river in a dream?

White small branch

What does it mean when someone dream of you being young and traveling?

What does it mean to give phone number and number seen in a dream?

What does a fight with a midget mean?

Worm in brain

Washing blood off my hands

What does it mean to come out of a pool looking shiny m smiling?

Woman advances man

Walled places

Wearing turquoise jewelry

What does it mean when two lions fight one wolf?

Wet electric cord

Writing in the sky

When a friend dream of you sleeping in a chair what dose means?

What is the meaning of sleeping in a chair?

When you dream of a lot bread in a river side and you turn and walk away from it?

What does it mean with my dream that i passed school?

When you dream two people wearing matching clothes?

What is the meaning of dreaming of many chapati?

What is the meaning of dreaming of many chapatis?

Waterfalls near a house

Wolf in house

What does it mean to dream about a white person?

What does it mean when you dream that the handle of your eyeglass break off?

What does it mean to dream about fishing and caching a monster?

What does it mean to carry bitter cooler in the dream?

Water with sharp weapon

Witch doctor dream

What is the meaning of seeing bitter kola in ur dream?

Wearing a plastic in a dream

Washing bum in toilet

What does it mean to see a great marabout in your dream?

White clothes being

When u dreams about biltong?

White and clothes

What is the meaning of glucose in a dream?

When you see your pastor given you a bag of rice what does it mean?

When you see your pastor given you a bag of in the dream what does it means?

When you see your pastor given you rice in the dr?

When i was about to it something then i spit waking up to saliva on bed?

What does it mean to give someone medicine in a dream?

What does it mean to buy a clock in the dream?

Washing ants from your body with water whilst praying in dreams meaning

Washing any from your body whilst praying meaning in dreams

Washing at from your body with water whilst praying meaning in dreams

Water porter

What is mean dreaming a cow being shot?

What does dreaming quarreling with your brother mean?

Water and heighs

Waving tree leaves

Wounded dogs

Wearing copper and titanium ring

Wearing a copper and a metal ring

What does it mean if someone gives you a blade, ring and a rope in adream?

Wearing lord shiv carved copper ring

Wearing copper ring in dream

White duvet bedcover

Wearing and crown

Wearing a crown

What does it mean when you dream about your husband giving another woman money?

Woman in front of an artch window inna room w a long hall on the out side

Walking around waste

What is the meaning of picking snails on the dream with the aim of cooking it?

What is the meaning of giving cows water in my dream?

Wet sidewalk

When a woman rides bicycle in a dream what does it mean?

What does it mean when you dream you have stitches on your hand?

What does it mean if u have a dream that ur prey ate?

Wearing same color cloth with a man in the dream

Wave breaking window

Wanting turmeric powder

What does it mean to kill a lizard in a dream?

What is the meaning of mat?

What is the meaning of malongay in dreams?

What does it mean to dream when a relative comes back from abroad then u give them a hug?

Wife had another baby

With shemale

What does it mean when u eating white nshima in the dream?

When you dream of sharing biscuit and tofee to children?


What does it mean to dream being given paper money?

Wearing one leg of slippers

What does it mean to dream of seeing my car back window being broken and boot broken by a kid and he stole some items in the car?

What does it mean to dream a bout getting out a dead person in the house?

Was a ceremony slaughtering two sheeps and changing name to other name

What is the meaning of cutlass in a dream?

Watching family member on a grave yard

Weak lions

When you dream digging pit latrine?

What is the meaning of ram fighting in a dream?

What is the meaning of ram and sheep fighting in a dream?

What does it mean if i dreamt about having a lot of followers on social media?

What dreaming about pangas symbolises?

Wearing lemon green slippers and lemon green skirt

White and black beads as a gift

What is the number of minatour?

What does it mean when in a dream you find yourself in a granary after washing your face?

What does the yellow colour nean in a dream?

What is the meaning of someone died and see the spirit?

What is the meaning of asking for salt?

What is the meaning of dreams asking for salt?

Washing my husband feet

Wearing blue a dead

Why i dream about fijian people?

Wolf eating picnic basket

Wear and saree

When you killed a grasscutter in dream what does it mean?

Wife giving the news of being pregnant

Wiping away of sindoor

What the meaning to dream about you picking green chayote?

Wound under eye

What is the meaning when i dream picking ripe coffee?

What does it mean to buy fanta for a female lover in the dream?

What does it mean reciting surah al imran in a dream?

What number does it mean to dream of a dead person alive?


What does it mean receiving coin from a little girl in the dream?

What does it mean if you caught a snake in your dream?

What if you caught a sink in your dream?

What does it signify when ur tongue is cut of in a dream?

When seeing two diffrent black snake?

Water in the flowers

What does it mean to overtake someone in the dream?

What is the meaning of dream about changing sanitary pads?

What does it mean when i dream my sister wearing my dress?

What is a lucky number for big?

Worms numbers

When you dream of a lamb?

What dose it mean when your in a tree with moss around it?

What is the meaning of somebody rubbing you powder in a dream?

What is the meaning of a person rubbing powder in the dream?

Water disappeared

When you dream crowns of throne?

Wild boar attacked me

Wrapped christmas gifts

What does it mean when you dream of a man sodomizing a boy?

Wolf kills the snake

What is the meaning of picking fresh potatoes leaves in your dream meaning?

Walking together with my mother and sister

What dies in your dream, wearing two different shoes that turn back into the same pair could symbolize:?

What is sky road?

Wear white cloth

Wearing white and green

Wearing broken chooda

Wearing broken chooda in dream

With superhero

What does it mean when you dream of your feet being bleached?

What does it mean when someone is dragging your money with you?

What is the meaning of my ex boyfriend choosing me over another woman in the dream?

What does a dream of a three-eyed woman mean?

What does it mean when you are in a double cabin?


White women having a black kid

Wearing burgundy dress

Woood dream number


Widow putting sindoor in dream

Wen i eat okpa in a dream

What does it mean to see a woman kissing a man?

Washing your feet in the river in a dream what does it y

What does it mean to see someone picking up a bullet from the ground?

What is the meaning of dream with little boy having sores on his head?

Water mussels

What does it mean when i drink panchamrit in dream?

What does a flip phone mean?

What does it mean when a man wears skirt in his dream?

Wearing revealing clothes in dream

Woman missing face burned

Woman burned

Walk into a room and all the people are deceased friends and family, there were happy i arrived but i knew they were really dead

White pidgeon

Workplace shutdown

Workplace closing down

What does it mean when i have been having dreams of my friend stealing my crush?

Window falling out of wall

White hand eating from plate

White / grey room

Wedge tail eagle

What is the meaning of picking africa oil bean seed in a dream?

When someone gifs you hand bags?

What does it mean if you dream a ring is squashing my finger?

What does it mean to forget your birthday?

What does it mean to do something that is not possible in real life?

When someone asks me to say my name in the dream?

Window wiper blades

Water coming out of light fixtures

White hair grows covering entire left arm then turns into white flowers petals

What does it mean if you kill someone out of jealousy?

Was crying in my dream because i was bleeding, i could see my white pants were covered in blood on my legs. my mother was in front of me.

Whole arm with a sword in it

White lamb black

Wearing a pastor gown in a dream

Watching child fall off roller coaster

What does it mean if your friend dreams of you planning your wedding?

White grave

White cola ln the dream

What is the meaning of dreaming vomiting mushroom?

Wife pooping green grass

Water orb

Wild animals stampede

What is the meaning of a dream of six digit number?

What does ofo mean in dreams?

When u see reporter take a photo of u?

When u see paperazi in ur dream?


What does it when wgen a reporter take a photo of u in ur dream?

What does it mean to dream of a snake with beads around it neck?

What does it mean to dream of a snake with beads around it neack?

What does it mean to take plenty pack of medicated bar soap from a bag in front of the ocean in the dream?

What does it mean playing football on the ocean in a dream?

Witch confession in a dream

What does it mean to run errands for my late father?

Women grey orange

Worms on face

What is the meaning of white rose and snake?

What means stool in dream?

Water and ows

White ow in water

What does it mean chanting hare krishna hare rana mantra in drean?

Walking with a boss

Watching and lesbian

Wolf riding a bike

Water waves entering a house and telling people to be prepared

What does wooden shoes mean in the spirt?

What does it mean when i have a dream about a half dog half goat?

What does it mean when you dream of a relative wearing gold?

What does it mean when you save cats from getting eaten from a crocodile?

Weighted down

Waking somebody up

Wearing your shoes on the wrong feet

White stained dress

Wearing mittens

Water covered with clear water

What do moi moi means in d dream?

What does it mean when you have a blister on your eyeball?

White intestinal worms in the toilet

When a man gives you banana meaning?

When you dream that holes in your shoes?

When plate fell from ur hand and break into pieces?

Wearing coral beat in the dream what does it mean

Water in office

When you dream key fell down an ask someone to pick it up an give you?

Waltz music

Worms coming out of your body

Walking with a girl who carry a bicycle

Writing pen

Wedding dress not fitting

What does it mean to see an imbecile little girl smiling in the dream?

When you see water carrying away your favorite clothes in a dream?

What it means if i had a dream i had lots of freckles?

Why did i dream of a female minor accusing me of rape?

What is the meaning of eating in a dream inside pot?

Wife marrying to someone else

Wind blowing curtains

Working with children

What does dreaming about running water mean?

What does dreaming about grit on the floor mean?

What does it mean that my body disappeared in a dream but my father heard my voice?

What does it mean that my body disappeared in a dream and my voice heard my father?

What does it mean if you saw a sugar glider in your dream?

What does it mean that my body disappeared in a dream?

What is meaning when buying colanut in the dream?

Wooden rolling pin

What does it mean when astatue breaks in your house?

Walking past your crush

When you see ex boyfriend brought you water and was complaint of food to eat?


What does it mean if my son tells me he dreamed about a big fish trying to eat him?

Whatv does it mean when you wore a dress from a dead person?

Walking easiest path

Walls made of water

What is the meaning of seeing friends give onion in the dream?

Washed slipper


What does it mean when you dream of your husband kissing another woman?

What does it mean when your husband is kissing another woman?

Working together with president

Whale and water

Wearing a pear tiara

What mean if you dream of milliped?

Watching sesame seeds laddu in dream

What does it mean when your brother is licking your private part in your dream?

When someone had a dream when a man is rubbing henny in a woman hand?

Wearing a dress with a very high slit

Words on road

Wife seeing husband getting married

What does it mean when harvesting tigernuts in a dream?

White candles

What does dreaming of people digging up corpses near a lake mean?

What does it mean when you dream a elephant chocking you?

With people i know

Writing an exam

What does banger means in the dream?

Wearing masquerade and dancing with co-workers

What is the meaning of licking milo in the dream?

White tall man

What is the meaning of receiving and packing charcoal in the dream?

Weird chaotic chase

Wart on index finger in your dream

What it means to dream a deceased prophet t.b joshuah?

What is the meaning seeing a letters b, a and c?

Worms in period blood

Written in paper with blue pen

Wet grounded with clearwater

White paint s over road

What does it mean if i apply black bindi in dream?

Waiting friend group rocketship

Wearing broken slipper

With water in

What does it mean when you dream about green money you found in a bag?

Watch out for the red falcon

When you dream of your daughter being mudered?

When someone giving you maize?

When a family member asks if your okay?

What does it mean to dream of my daughter in law?

What does it mean to dream of wearing a combat?

What ed it means eating mean dream of wearing a combat?

Water color painting

White curly hair

What does it mean to dream your pastor warning you and telling you to be careful someone wants to get you pregnant and leave you?

What does it mean to dream your pastor warning you and telling you to be careful someone wants to get you pregnant?

What does it mean when you dream of your pastor warning you?

What does it mean when you are putting fire into a weeded dried sticks with ducklings?

Writing quran

What is the meaning of parani in dreams?

What is the meaning of the marron beret in a dream?

What those it means when your atm card get break in a dream?

What does it mean if your see someone burn in fire in islam?

Winning a fight in your dream

What is the meaning of seeing my pastor sweeping my room?

What does it mean to be feeding bananas to a white goat in a dream?

What is the meaning stolen your menstrual pad in the dream?

What do you mean if the carabao is attacking you?

What does it mean for a pregnant woman to be picking avocado in her dreams?

What does it means to dream a king?

Woman performing witchcraft

White bugs

Wearing a grey sweater in a dream

When you dream of traveling fast over a bridge?

What does dreaming someone spitting on your hand signify?

Watching someone being crushed

Walking towards kaaba

What happens if i have a dream of a family meber giving a testomny in a church?

Why am dreaming night dancers while eating me and i shouting?

Why am night dancers while eating me?

What is the meaning of my sister and friend seeing me wearing a blue dress and pregnant at the same time?

What does it mean seeing myself wear a blue whit in my dream?

Walking through clouds on huge mountain

Woman in portrait moving around

Wash hands with poop

What does it mean when family members refuse to serve you food in a dream | dream interpretation?

What does it mean reactor?

What does it mean by seeing yourself picking udara in a dream and be giving it to another person?

What does it mean to dream your boyfriend drunk and carrying alcohol?

Water in sky

What material are doormats made of?

What does it mean if you dream about noses?

Wet business jacket

What does it mean someone cut your cloth and bun in the dream?

What does it mean someone cut your cloth and bun in the drem?

What does it mean when a mouse gets eaten by a lizard?

White puppies with brown spots

Wife drowning

What does it mean to dream when night dancers are chasing me?

Woman and man asking me if i could find them a place to rest

Writing on the sky

Why in my dream my cat died?

Why adam and eve dream about the garden?

With my current

Wrong address number on door

Wrong number on a front door

What does it mean when you dreaming tearing paper in adream?

Wait here awhile

Wheel barrow dream interpretation

What does it mean when you dream about your daughter losing her virginity to her boyfriend?

What number represents to old lady in my dreams?

Wearing school uniform in a dream means

Walking in the rain with a man

Wearing black and green clothes

What does your leg being impaled mean?

What does it mean if you dream of taking photos in water?

What do that mean to se water carrying away your shoes?

What does it mean dreaming about my baby peeing any how?

What is the meaning of i saw a commodo dragon in my dream?

When mum is holding panga and cutting some one?

What does it mean for a pregnant woman to see plantain in her dreams?

What does it means for a pregnant woman to see plantain in her dream?

Wearing a gold bangle

When a dead person slotter a chicken for you.?

What is meaning when someone is picking empty bottles in the dreaming?

What does it mean if girlfriend beats me in dream?

What does it mean to dream about your sister boyfriend flirting with you?

Wife growing a panis

Watching from corner

White horse with black mask

What does it mean if you dream about your son being arrested because of girl?

Water underneath the iron board

Wide hips

When i saw well that time i saw lord ganesh image on water?

Woman with big feet

White tangled thread

What does it mean when i woke saying the nameisaiah?

Wearing white sox

Washing mouth with chewing stick

Why a dog keep barking anytime when see me?

Wearing no makeup in public

Why should a dog looking at me and perking?

Why a dog looking at me and packing?

Why a dog packing when see me?

What does it mean when i dreamt the word isaiah?

Western with silver built

Whole fish

Waters on the wall

Woman eaten by tortoise

Wearing shoes in bed

Words written in the sky

What does it mean when you see offal in your dream?

What does it mean to dream of bursting a orange but it only burst if it touches by girls?

What does it mean to dream of bursting a orange then eating a cake?

What does it mean to dream of a fruit then a cake?

Walking in the air to escape danger

Walking on the air to escaping danger

What does it mean to dream your husband asking for money?

What happens if i saw yellow rice in dream?

We burried me grandma already nd last night i dreamed about her dying nd we buried her again

What does it mean to dream while collecting the canarium shweinfurt fruits?

Walking up inclines in dream

What is the meaning of dreaming roasting meat with fats?

Wolf cubs

What does it mean to dream being given two chickens?

Water arise

White fox dream meaning

Wild animals that burned

Wound palm

Wound on palm with blood

White teeth sparkling in islam

Wheels on feet

What does dreaming of classmates visiting for condolence?

What does dreaming of a woman friend in the city visiting my village surprising mean?

What does black vinegar mean in the dream?

What is the meaning if i dreamt about boiling blood?

Woman with one foot like bird claw

Witches hat

What does it mean when you dream of wearing an nysc uniform?

White woman falling in love with a black man in africa

Warts falling off

Wearing and yellow

Wedding ckse

What does it mean to see an owl looking directly at you?

What does it mean if an nine year old dreams of slenderman?

What does it mean if i dream about slenderman?

What does it mean when a grave cracks?

What does it mean when u dream off your asshole?

Window, jumping, old man, best friend

What does it mean when a dragonfly lands on your head in your dream?

What abortion mean in a dream?

What pregnancy mean in a dream?

What does it signifies to dream your rival?

Walking on a newly smooth tarred road without drainage on both sides of the road

Walking on a newly tarred road

What does it mean to be giving people medicine in a dream?

When you dream about eating biten madazi?

White beads worn on the left hand

What is the mean if reconstructing road in dream?

What it mean when someone you know throws your ring to you and you picked it up and place it on your finger?

Wearing a yellow transparent dress

White leather pants

Water running down electric wire

What does it mean to catch a live bush animal in a dream?

Washing my hands with sand

Work contract

What does it mean when a woman blows white powder on you in a dream?

White nylon bag

Water and horses

What is the meaning of dreaming when your peeling sugar can?

White worms in the toilet

White children in the dream

Woman with split tongue

White board clean

Wasmo somaali

Waso soomali

Water coming out of a live fish

When you dream of holding a gas cylinder on a fire and you are panicking?

Wire wool

Walking intro a trail inside a village a bat bite my hand

Walking along a road you knew before but seems confusing

What does a dream about a reptile means?

Wall gecko fall on someone shoulder

When you dream about a lot of nuggets?

What does it mean if you have chicken pox in your dream?

Winning lotto dream

Watering tomato plants

Woman told truth about commiting zina

Woman saying the truth about commuting zones

When you hug them and they feel cold?

What does it mean when you dream yourself with leg irons?

Water and salt mixed on the ground

Whole house is leaking heavy water

What does it mean to dream a dead person is holding a baby?

What is the luck number when you dream breads?

Wearing someone clothes

What is the meaning of dreaming a pulpit divided into two biblical?

Write tasmia

Wearing a teeth of lion

What does it mean, when you always dream of finding yourself at your country when you are in abroad?

What does a keyholder in a dream represent?

What does drinking zobo mean in dream?

Wasps entering my room

Wall leaking blood

Wife giving phone numbers to an elderly person mean

What does it mean to dream buying toiletries for your dad?

What does it mean to eat yam in a dream?

What does it mean to snap with someone you know in a dream?

What is the meaning of dreaming macadamia and i was fetching in the tree a it was many one nut carries alot?

Wearing black tight slippers in a dream

What does it mean to see pap on the dream?

Wearing blue and white bangles

Wearing one bad shoe

What does it mean to apply lime on your entire body in a dream?

Wearing two shirts in a dream

What does it mean to wash cow intestines with your sister?

Walls melting

What happens when a widow put kumkum to a girl in dream?

Wife screams turn around in my dreams

Wife keeps telling me to turn around in my dreams

What does mean planty grass cutter in a dream?

Wedding and death

Woman wearing all black washing hand in the sink

White cravat

Walking to a waterfall

Walking through a valley of flowers

What does it mean when you dream of yourself too drunk?

What is the meaning of giving someone better kola in a dream?

White layer on tongue

Woman appearing from the water

What did it mean when you catch bush meat in the dream?

What does it mean when a husband gave a ring to his wife in the dream?

With son

Women panties

Women underware

Wooden mallet

Whales in the sky

Walking among gators

When u eat palm kernel in dream what does it mean?

What does it mean when you dream about giving a madman food?

Wheat flour, minced meat (beef), onion, butter, sunflower oil, red pepper flakes, black pepper, salt

Windows without curtains

What does it mean when you dream about your grandfather and he aksed for your image to look who passed away?.

What does it mean when you dream about your grandfather and he aksed for your photo to look who passed away?

Woman pursuing my boyfriend

Wife is a prime minister

What does mean of if i saw dream of ganimi kava?

Wound on your

Wife sleeping with two women

White plastic container

What does a mushroom on the grave mean in a dream?

When someone is coming down from a hill tree?

Walking barefoot wet ground

What is the meaning of selling olive oil in the dream?

Worshipping pipal tree in dream

Water bottle dream today

Why do i see my self wearing muscle uniform in my village?

What dose it mean for some to see her self going to an old school fool of dirty in her dream?

What dose it mean to see your self wearing muscle uniform in your dream?

What does it mean to eat adam fruit in the dream?

Walking through shallow water

What does agidi mean in a dream?

Watching snooker game

What does it mean eating bitter lief?

White plastic bag with holes

Watch gift

Waking up my sleeping therapist


When you dream of plenty calamansi fruits. what does it means?

Walking from muddy field to clear path

Walking in the rice fields

Woman wearing uniform

Wearing blue dress


What it mean to dream of s ed milk?

Women beard

Water pot half filled in a dream

Washing face to remove make up

When you dream of swallowing cowries?

White lace bra panties boyfriend

Woke up at one:47am

What is the meaning of dreaming eat thick porridge?

Wat those it mean to eat a rousted meat with a friend

What those it mean to eat rousted meat at the road?

What does it mean to be eating fruit with the dead present?

What does it mean to dream of hurting an eagle?

What does it means dreaming of seeing snuff?

Witnessing a killing in a dream

Witnessing someone else killing in a dream

What does it mean when someone gives you shawl in dream?

What does it mean if you dream of white lines?

What does it mean to dream about a rood of dust?

What is lucky number if you eat two apple in a dream?

What is lucky number if you eat two appl?

What is the meaning of making hot pap in a dream?

When guest come to your home and there is not enough food for them?

Wet salt

What does it mean to fill containers with water in a dream?

What is the meaning of seeing diesel in a dream?

What number if i dream salt?

What does it mean to be packing aku in the dream?

What does it mean to harvest green grass in your dream?

Watching someone being strangled


Washing a stain pad with river water

Walking barefoot in toilet and pee

Wildfire near house and not able to evacuate but family did

Washing feet of a deceased

When u dream about big onions?

White with blue stripes

What does it mean if you have a dream about a vimbela?

Wash other person foot

When you are in love with someone?

With my cousins husband and got caught

Wearing khakhi uniform

Wife got period

Wearing gold big shoes

When you see a woman marching forward in dream?

Word appalachian mountain

Wet fart then stain pooped in your panties

Walking on the highway

What is the meaning of someone give you lappa in a dream?

Waiting for a hug

Waiting for a hig

What is the meaning of dreaming appreciating someone by doing good work?

What is the meaning of dreaming appreciating someone by doing god work?

What is the meaning of dreaming as a bricklayer?

What does eating sardine fish mean in a dream?

White anthorium

What does it mean to see six bitter kola in the dream?

What does it mean when you are loosing a rope around neck in dream?

What is the meaning of eating periwinkle in the dream?

When a lady is poured a non alcoholic drink on a male body?

What is the meaning of buy afang leaf in dream?

What is the number of samosa?

Watering lawn

What is the meaning what is the number of samosa?

When you are on the feet of red wearing jhoti person?

When the king visits ur home?

Wood wadrobe

Went for cassava dough in a bowl

Writing my name with gold ink

Ware a orange color flock

Walking round a mountain in the dream

Walking with a maulana

What is the flower of life?

What does it means when you dream about baobab tree and plot in fruit?

Wound bleeding and

What is the meaning of erosion in the dream?

Wound bleeding foot

When you are given cassava dough in your dream?

Wearing kumkum in dream

White void

Weaving baskets

Words in a silver wedding band

Words in a ring

What is the meaning of dreaming carring a sheep on your back?

White scale thick peeling with blood from head scalp

White scale peeling with blood marks from scap

Waving a golden sword

What is the meaning of. a woman with a big belly?

White wedding dress with blooded shoes

Wearing a bluetooth ear device

Wrapped clothe around your waist in a dream

What does it mean when you dream about blue eyeshadow?

Wet wipe

When you dream seeing yourself shooting and a place gets burnt what does it mean?

When you dream of shooting a a place gets burnt what does it mean?

What does it mean constructing three hut in the dreeam?

What mean of see to you go vrindavan in dream?

What does it mean to dreamseeing ripe mangoes in a tree?

What it means to dream seling carnibal tobacco?

What is the meaning of my husband cheating on me with my cousin?

When you dream of collecting your slippers palm back from someone?

Washing face with salt water in dream


What does it mean when you are eating bread in the dream and the bread fell down?

Whashing my male neighbor is clothes

When o e dreame about eggs what is the spiritual meaning?

What does it mean to dream lion crying?

What does it mean to dream on lions one crying and the other one very happy?

What does killing plenty hares in the dream mean?

When light bulb burns out?

Witnessing a shot on a girl

When some one gives you a bag of pineapple?

Wearing makeup

What number is associated with three wheeler auto in bg dream?

Water stained walls

Water flowing from concrete sidewalk

Wearing a two shirt

Wearing a double clothes

Warts all over arms

What does it mean to dream with a knife inside your nose?

White kid

When you dream about white kid as in umtwana womlungu?

Work equipment

What does it mean to dream about being shot at?

Wine bottle stopper

Wearing light blue top and white bottoms

Wine bottle cork

Wine bottle top

What does it means for someone to pack my moulded block away in a dream?

When you dream being harassed?

When you dream being harasses?

Walking on gold

Witnessing a ballet performance

Worms sticking on feet and all around me

Water on me

Wearing another person coat

What does it mean when you dream about a sandstorm?

What does it mean if you dream about?

White worms coming out of stomach

What does it mean when u dream about being with ur crushes sister?

Whipping your butt and getting poop on your hands and everywhere

Wicker book

When you see a dead person by your bed side?

What does it mean when u dream of someone drinking anointing oil?

White snake just looking at me

Wearing red panties

When family member refuse to serve you food?

When you see yourself in a bus going somewhere in the dream means what?

Was told to steal but i put everything back an stood up to the person

What is meaning of a bad dog smell in your dream?

What does if i see my brother who died over two zero yrs ago and he was wearing all whitw?

What does it mean when someone dream about frying garri?

What is the meaning of dreaming when someone is mopping the floor upstairs and nyou?

Wigs in bag

What does it mean seen my self dressed like a mad man?

Wet chairs

Writing duas down in your dream

What does it mean when someone wears a leso in a dream?

Wearing white but dirty jalabiya

Washing machine over flowing with soap suds

Warning of a crocodile inside where you are

Word dreams

Watching self in the mirror doing makeup means

Water tub in dream

What does it mean if i see myself cutting green chilies?

What does it mean to receive a death certificate, in the form of a card in a dream of someone else?

What does it mean when i dream of the seven trumpets happening?

Wrist distorted

What does sleeping with a sangoma mean?

Walking barefoot on rocks

Wet clothes bath

When someone wears your clothes?

Wet clothes given to me in bag

Wet clothes given to me

When you see your dead mother in dream?

Watching a killing

Waterdrops on forehead

Woman hanging from her skin

What does it mean when you ovulate in your dream?

What if uou dream about soo many people borrowing my charger?

What does it mean to eat okpa in my dream?

What does it mean when someone gives you a belt in a dream?

What does it mean when someone gives you a plate in a dream?

Wet shoes at the door

What does it mean to see a chameleon in a dream?

What does it mean of drinking milk while fasting?

White small worm wiggle in the bottom glass

What will happen if we see white hanuman ji in our dreams?


White small work wingle at the bottom of glass of water

What does it mean by lighting camphor?

What does it mean to lit diyas?

What does it mean to light diyas?

What does it mean to see goddes durga?

What does it mean to see shivaji maharaj?

What does it mean to see tuljhabhavani god?

What does picking ogbono in dream mean?

What does it mean to dream removing a gigger from your foot?

What does it mean to be given a chieftaincy cap in the dream?

Warthog killing me

What those it mean if u dream of tying wrapper?

When husband beat or cane wife in dream?

What does it mean to dream wearing umhlwehlwe?

Walking at a dumping site site

Walking on a dumping site

Watching concert singing

Wearing skimpy trouser

Wearing a rudraksha

What is the meaning of oil been in a dream?

What is the meaning of upkaka in dreams?

What happened if areca catechu comes in dream?

What does it mean when you dream of a old silver coin in a creek?

Wooden children urns

What does it mean when you see a mercedes benz car in your dream?

Wearing white head wrap

What does it mean if someone gives you plantain sucker to plant?

Water park fire

Witches saving children

What does it mean when someone tries to kill me but i end up killing them in my dream?

Woke up ontop of a grave

Wrapping someone up as a mummy

White ants in a dream

White puppy with black spots

With a sore

Walking with the boyfriend in a dark road

What does uit mean to give $two zero to eachbofgyour sister?

What does it mean for a pregnant woman to pick three eggs in the dream?

What does it mean to dream about seeing ones bra in the church?

With trans person

Wanting to wrestle

What those mixing kerosene with oil?

Washing rope

What does it mean by boyfriend told me to boil the egg in dream?

When you see oil on floor?

Wife lying and cheating

What does it mean to see your wife burning in the dream?

White mole

Water in adream

What is the see of mouth in dream?

Women dwarfs

Women dwarw

Week days

Waving a flag

Weapon meaning in the dream

Wearing kali other, galsr

What is the meaning of seeing a dead mad man?

When someone giving you acontainer with millet without grains in dream?

Waiting for a doctor

Why did i dream about my brother being gay?

Wedding invite

What does it mean when you dream with your grandpa and he passed away?

What does it mean to eat ground nut in the dream?

Wqlking in the light

Wearing a broken slippers

Wearing a white nurse uniform and caring a child in the hands while in a white nurse uniform

Wearing a white nurse uniform in a dream

Why were my ladders on the wrong side of the river?

What do earthquakes mean in dreams?

Wish filflement

Wasmo soomali

Wrapping something over and over

Wrapping an object over and over

Walking on a wet floor

White tiger bit my pinky finger

When my sister asked for a of money?

What does it mean when you poop diarrhoea on your self and your clothes?

Word tuck spiritual

What does a dream mean when you are sitting?

What happens when trailers running in front of me dream meaning?

What does it mean for you and group of people are eating and they left a small food for you and you eat last?

Wife tried to smother me with a ow

Wife tried to suffocate me with a ow

Working with wool

With neighbors

Wearing and hijab

Wearing black and

What does it mean dreaming about royco cubes?

Well tilled land ready for planting

Well tilled land ready for sowing

Women wearing black

Wearing a black

Women wearing a

White centipede

What does it mean to dream about a hidden coin in the spiritual life?

When you dream about poo?

Wanting to be hired as a decorator

What code will you use to bring your bvn number from access bank?

White costume

Wet dream with tattoo on sole of foot

When you see someone frying bean cake in dream?

When your neighbor tells you that you did well?

Widow dream

Water coming out of the moon the grand come more clear

What does it mean for a thief to enter your?

Woman cleaning old shivji temple

Walking in a forest in a dream

Wearing leather shoes with shorts

Wht does it mean when you dream of a dead corps

What is the meaning of rubbish cream on my body in dream?

White and blue ghost great gran killed with led stick

White and blue ghost great ga killed with led stick

Wearing myself a red saree and makeup

White and blue ghost killed with led stick

White and blue ghost old woman killed with led stick

What does it mean dreaming about wearing a nursing uniform?

Wearing a nursing uniform in a dream?

Worms coming out of flour

Well filled with water

Waiting in a queue

When your dream was about a school burned?

With your friends

Without and windshield

Without a windshield

Windshield dream interpretation

Wearing double short pant

Wearing double short pants

When things are enlarged?

Washing wool clothes meaning

Wandering in a bush

What does a dead, burning cow mean?

What does it mean when your late grandma called and showed you a bed that is wet and you told her that it was your sweat?

Wearing tattered clothes in a dream

White cloth meaning

White doek meaning

Why did i dream of my ex?

What does it mean to catch tadpoles in your dream?

What does the number three mean spiritual?

When you dream and see millet what dose it means it?

White cloth flowing overhead

White poker chips being held by family in safe

White mealie meal sack

When you had a dream backing two child at ur back at same time means?

When you see someone sleeping in your dreams snoring on the road side means?

What does it mean to eat cassava leaf in a dream with your friends?

Washing someone who is alive

Water carry objects

Water carried items

Water carried my items

What does it mean when you dream leaking tom tom?

What does it mean to dream burning charcoal in handbag?

White leather coat

What does it mean when someone gives you coconut in a dream?

Why is the baby in my dream so clingy on me?

What do it mean to see a teacher beating me in the dream?

What does it mean to dream of being up high and alone having a panic attack?

What does it mean to eat bread and coconut in the dream?

What if you saw brother got his visa and you are applying for foreign studies?

What if you saw monkey?

What does it mean when you dream about turquoise chairs?

What does it mean when you dream the color turquoise search?

Whaat does it mean when you dream the color tor turquoise turquoise an

What dose it mean to see akuebe everyday both in my bed early morning?

What is the meaing of that call butta shea?

What does breadfruit symbolize?

When you see your deceased father take you to mosque?

When you dream your deceased father take you to mosque?

Wring station

White box in a closet

What does it mean when a.carabao attack you in your dream?

Wearing palo cloth on the head

Watch and roadside

Wearing shoes in gurudwara sahib

Waterbed tilted

Wearing a formal dress

Water or rain

Walking in opposite direction of a person you know