Dream Interpret | Dream Interpretation
Dream Dictionary - A to Z

Dreams starting with the letter D

Drunk pastor preaching while drunk

Dream of my pastor drunk

Dream of a lorry

Dream of buying doll clothes

Dream of seing s ed lotion on floor

Dreaming of filling water in a plastic drum

Ditch dream interpretation

Dream of a gutter

Dining with a king

Dead person with bear feet

Dream interpretation person

Dream of a silver dress

Dogs and goat

Dry cow meat eating

Dreamt of my late father praying for me

Dream my cowife died

Dreaming of swallow a jesus cross giving me by pastor

Dreaming of swallow a jesus cross meaning

Dream my pregnant daughter in law come home after long separation

Driving a camion

Dream of death of boy

Dream about buying limes in the grocery store

Dream about buying limes in the store

Dream of removing a big stone from a stream

Dream interpretation cattle

Drinking thumb tacks from a bowl milky water

Drinking thumb tacks

Dreaming someone gives you lavender

Dream seeing cooking seeds in oil

Dream meaning about annatto seeds

Dream of another woman

Dream of being in a room unable to find the way out

Dream that a hallucination made it impossible to exit

Dead wife fading away in dreams

Dogs attacking a goat

Dream of orange dress

Dreaming orange white lace dress and headtie

Dream interpretation of removing a needle from the nose

Dreaming of someone giving me dish cloths

Door no handle meaning

Drove away without me

Dreaming of someone pulling me out of a sinkhole

Dead person beating his child

Dreaming someone gave me a rooster

Dream of feces near by

Daughter in law shot in the head

Dream of my brother farming with a sad face

Dream about fig

Dreaming about baby rats drowning

Dead body floating in pool

Dream of a man drinking dog water

Dream about a man drinking water out of a dog bowl on the floor

Dreaming of collecting african chewing gum

Dream me and my ex in my working g place

Dream of my friend sitting on the porch of his deceased best friend

Design clouds

Dreaming in a nightclub with my wife

Dreaming in a nightclub with my wife without pants then later moved out with different doors bur meet again

Dream seeing someone dead

Dreaming in a nightclub with my wife without pants then letter moved out with different doors bur meet again

Dead father in the dream

Dreaming someone seeking for help as sick

Dimples on butt

Dreaming hinting wild animals

Dreaming black gram

Dream see me looking for my cloths brush

Dream interpretation of husband

Dreaming about being cremated

Dream of seeing cocoyam leave

Double headed lady

Dream of a lady wearing my cap

Dream been given old cloths

Deam of your self get shot and your son get shot in the side of the stomach

Dean of your self get shot and your son get shot in the side of the stomach

Deceased father reciting quran in a dream menaing

Deceased father reciting quran menaing

Dream of weeding under cassava with some people. what does it mean

Dreamt mom is woken up from dead and next thing we in a car shes driving im on her lap

Dry sausage

Dream of asp

Dream about tokoloshe

Dreaming my father give me food

Dreaming of others sneezing

Dream meaning of buying a cement bad for some one

Dreaming a razor

Dreamt that my mobile phone was at the bottom of the swimming pool.

Dreaming about buying a cream colored suit for some one

Dreaming about buying a cream colored

Disappearance of god muruga photo like dream

Dead uncle driving me home

Dreaming about my daughter

Dreamt washing my ex shoes

Dreaming my ex girlfriend

Dreaming of a tarven

Digging about turmaric in dream

Dream as am pluking garding egg leaves

Dream about garden rgf leaves

Dreaming brushing teeth with black charcoal without water meaning

Dream of cutting iron

Dreaming about your gums rotting

Dream of pumping of my car while

Dead woman sitting seeing in dream

Dream meaning of packing charcoal

Dark circles eye

Dream teer lpg

Dead dog at tan mahal

Dreaming carrying a pack of cigarettes in your hand

Dreaming about someone insult you

Dancing pizza

Dead person calls you an d gives you warning

Dead person calls you and gives you warning

Dreaming of someone dead helping you but you were not close when the person was alive

Dead relative giving you an old phone

Dream of dodging stone thrown at you

Dream interpretation removing

Dream eating gulab jamun

Dead person entering to our house

Dead person is asking for help

Driving a big bus in my dream in shillong teer prediction numbers

Drived a big bus in my dream

Drum full of water

Dead father not speaking to me

Dead relative asking for gold chain

Dream of murky green water

Dreaming of another man putting my baby to sleep spiritual meaning

Dog fighting a bear

Dissecting brain and pinning hypothalamus

Dream about plucking sponge

Dream of cassava

Dreaming sweet potato

Dream of silver color snake

Dreaming about my last home

Driving atv up snowy road

Dream of seeing time at three:three nine

Deceased person give me coconut dream meaning

Dreamed of doctor in scrubs/mask looking down on me

Dreaming of boiling eggs

Door and looked

Dancing down a hallway

Dancing down a hall

Door but looked

Dream about sheep giving birth

Dream of number five

Dream of checking car engine

Dream about being in abeokuta

Dead bird in my food

Dead person wanting my clothes

Dreaming calling my deceased sister

Dream of two sweets

Dreaming of my dead grandfather doing a laundry

Dream of drinking vegetable soup

Dreaming of getting someone else phone

Dreaming your in a class room reading

Dragon skin

Dreaming about a makeup bottle

Dream about rihanna

Dreamt i was eating spare ribs

Dead person applying makeup in my dream

Dreaming of nail varnish

Dancing indians

Dream of stolen television

Dirty river water with bread in it

Dreaming of smelling burning rubber

Dreaming someone confessing they practice witchcraft

Dog swallow another dog

Deer in house

Dreaming of many chapati

Dream about cousin sister died on her wedding day

Dreaming of rocks

Dreaming about a white boy

Dream of milk mixing with water

Dreams being in witch doctor house

Dream of sky

Drinking of minerals

Dreaming i have an itchy bum

Drinking of coke and fanta

Dreaming about being held back by an entity

Dreaming of bitter kola in a dream, what is the meaning

Dream about hives all over your body

Driving through wheat

Dreaming about getting robux in roblox

Dreaming when your bishop is dead

Dreaming when your for holidays and then they send you biology notes on your phone e to copy

Dreams about my brother falling in to a well

Dream about my brothers fei

Dream of getting money from enemy

Dream of getting money from enemy meaning

Destroying of charm in the dream meaning

Destroying charm in the dream

Dream winning lotto

Dream of talking with my school superintendent

Dream a black bull

Dream of a scholarship

Dreaming white clothes

Dog pulling my hair in my dream

Dreaming of monkey oranges falling from the tree and eating them

Dream in which lizard falls in milk which u boil

Dream of riding in presidential limousine

Dreams about injection by myself

Dead grandmother giving a bottle of anointing oil

Dreaming of four beautiful single beds

Dreaming of giving black pen

Dream of stealing champagne glass

Dream of you are at school mean

Dream about cow milk

Dream of poo

Dead person invites you

Dancing angels

Drinking water with maggot

Dream about someone stealing ymy cooking oil

Dream of winning

Dreaming of breaking glass

Dream interpretation diamonds

Dreaming of meat with worms

Diamonds and dress

Dreaming using mortar and pestle

Disbelievers, worship and denial

Doing the half split

Dream about wedding meating

Drinking malta in a dream

Drinking malta in adream

Dream of wearing a pants with the buttom tare apart

Dream of wearing a pants with the buttom tear apart

Dream about ex boyfriend that we have a son

Dreaming of my are cracked meaning

Dreaming of my cracked feed

Dreaming someone throwing food at me.

Dreaming of applying to a new job

Dream interpretation your

Dreams of teeth getting loose falling out

Dreams of waking up in other bedrooms

Death woman killing a turkey

Dream of a pipehose

Dogs peeing on my floor

Dreaming if cutting guava branches


Dream of losing own laptop

Daughter is back at home from a long trip

Dreaming of a clean car engine

Dreaming of someone stole my generator

Dream of a younger version of your mother

Dreaming about a snake moving in a group of goats

Dip tobacco

Dream farm and fresh crop

Dream farm and crop

Demon taking voice

Dreaming a yellow school bus

Dreaming lots of figures

Dream a tiny baby girl

Dreaming you walking on socks

Deceased dad wearing my shoes

Dreams meaning of selling ukazi leave

Dreaming of daddy long legs

Died in a brutal way

Dreaming about being an adult in a kid body

Dreams of frying flour in oil

Dead father and snakes

Dream about talking to a obese man

Dreamt about a hand writing a text in the ssky

Decease giving jackfruit meaning

Dream of a telephone ringing

Disable brother

Dream about eating in bathroom

Dream meaning of missing chair

Dream about colored pencils

Dreaming of shit

Death man beg for colanut in dream

Dream meaning giving your dead father water to bath

Dreaming a lover throwing water to you

Dream of someone praising me

Dream on someone praising me

Dream of someone doing gymnastics

Death women after taking me

Dream of buying two tubers of yam

Dreaming a boy asking for my banking details

Dreaming of receiving almond milk meaning

Dreaming my car without engine

Dreaming about being shot by a gun

Dream about seeing bra and panty

Dance with enemy

Dream about bea and panty

Dreaming of someone giving you bronze coins

Door with window

Dream of giving raw rice meaning

Dreaming about ovacado and you are pregnant

Dreaming cutlass

Dream oh hiding in mog

Dream of work cloth stained with faeces

Dreaming about seeing myself helping a chick to hatch.

Dream of green cowpiece

Dream interpretation about packed, dry and groundnuts related.

Dream seeing use sanitary pads

Dream of a dead person asking you to go with him

Dreaming eating jake frints

Dreaming dreaking porridge in the dream

Dream of leaf vegetables

Dreaming putting seeds in mouth yet it mouldsh yet it

Defecating in fire

Defecating in the cooking stones

Dreaming of killing small snakes and not finding a huge smelly snake

Dreaming defecating in the cooking fire after cooking meat

Deal pet alive

Ditch dream can be because of black magic

Dream about recovery blanket

Dreaming with unknown written language on the sky means?

Dead person giving me red apple meaning

Dream of a big clean house numbers one zero zero zero two two

Dream about your man wearing old big under wear

Dream meaning of holding spong in your hand

Dream interpretation feces

Dreaming building a kraal

Dreaming of seeing the pangas symbolises what spiritual

Drinking from a toilet

Dreaming of family without knowing meaning

Dream about my brother being stabbed number

Dreaming wearing xhosa makoti attire

Deceased person with head on fire

Dreaming of being in church with ex

Dreaming of giving someone a broom

Dog tongue spots

Dream of breaking a corn husk

Dream about lizard crawling on your face even to mouth

Dream of breaking a corn hisk

Dreamed of being pregnant and running from danger

Dreaming of sea shells

Dreaming about old boss

Door missing knob

Dream about sangoma salute you

Drawing paper

Dreaming drinking expensive alcohol

Dream about an earth pot

Double image of myself in a dream?

Dreams of tsunamis

Dreaming of a demon pinning you down

Draining swimming pool

Dream about cigarettes

Dead grandmother giving empty pot

Dreaming someone throwing me food

Dead grandmom singing

Dreaming about seeing a tree of masau

Destroying idol with a stone

Dream interpretation give

Dreaming someone give me dirty mahangu in basket

Dream about an ex running mad

Dreaming of my partner wearing torn clothes

Dreaming of making a lot of amasi in a bowl

Dreaming of making a lot of amazing in a bowl

Dreaming about sniffing mentho

Dreams of arriving in lasvegas

Dream of landing in las vegas

Dreams of landing in las vegas

Dream that some one is lotioning your feet

Died on toilet

Dream picking fatcooks with mother in a dream

Dream of deceased uncle and aunt

Dream seeing a man sitting on a lap of a woman?

Dreaming alot of my dad that passed away

Deaseased cold

Deseased col

Dream of removing pins under my feet

Dream with fish with teeth

Dreams of my mum accepting my

Dog killing another dog

Decease grandfather

Dead husband giving me ring

Dream about atchar

Dreaming about missing a paper during exama

Dreaming i am doing things wrong

Dreaming that constantly getting things wrong

Dreams about feces in my bellybutton

Dreaming about feces in my belly button

Dead mouse in water

Dead parents in dreams

Dream kapre what the mean

Dream a friend is homeless

Dream of seeing someone who had died

Dream if a live o e coming o you in a dream

Dream of a live one coming to you

Dream teer woman death nmbr

Dog lick my genitals

Dream of playing ludo with a man

Dreaming of spongegourd

Dream interpretation turtle

Dreaming of a moon attacked by black clouds

Dream of prostration to girls

Dancing happyly with a dead friend in the dream

Dreaming seeing a bushman

Dreaming of gibbons

Disrespectful wife

Disrespectful fiancee in the dream?

Death person burning

Dream seeing myself in a slum

Dream of losing kalash

Dreaming ofswimming in pond

Dream when giving your son new shoes

Dreaming taking bath in clear water and swim

Dreaming of catching grass cutter with my hand in my dream

Dead skin on tongue

Decaying tounge

Dad hung himself on our old house

Daughter does in front of you car accident

Dog swim to save puppies in the river

Dog swim to save puppies

Dreaming of colgate and roll on

Dog killing cat

Dream of your own car moving without a driver

Dreaming of buying a car

Dream of riding in a truck/ bus

Drinking iced water from a clay pot

Dreaming riding a camel and dropping me home

Dream about curd fell down

Dream number of dead women

Dream of planting a maize

Deceased members of family

Dream interpretation some

Dream seeing a deceased grave

Dream about your surname too heavy for me to carry

Dream about a brother being sodomized

Dream of my imbecile sister

Dreaming of a child losing his eye

Devil raping me

Devil is raping me

Dream of a prophet holding and praying over my feet

Dying dolphin


Dreaming the whole body swollen

Deceased mom cleaning

Dreaming the queen sick at your home

Dream about a quack doctor

Dog pulling on sweater

Dream of spitting out safety pins from my mouth

Dead small golden brown snake

Dream interpretation about dead, prophet and talking related.

Dream of statue of guru rinpoche

Dreaming of rubbing

Dream means that

Dream interpretation serving

Dreaming myself in termite mound

Dreaming myself in mound

Dreaming wearing palo ancestral cloth on the head

Damaged stairs

Dreaming of doing puja in new house

Dreaming about a goat birth triplets

Dream opening opening door for ladies

Dreaming ladies came with nets and asked my boss if she wants but she declined but i told her i need it for my son but she told me that she pays me

Dream of a golden snake in a toilet bowl

Double headed hen

Dog eating a lizard

Dark foggy forest

Dreaming of exhuming a dead relative

Dream - pageant

Dog sewn together

Dreaming sleeping with a snake

Dream interpretation see

Driving kake napep that carie bags

Dream eating goat testicle

Dreaming of rasta man shades

Dreams of eating oysters

Dream a guy washing my pant

Dream a guy washed my pant

Divine masculine

Discharge of the eyes dream interpretation (see mucous)

Drink coke

Dream meaning of collecting sperm

Dream meaning of losing purple teeth

Driving in your car and a bunch of deers hit your car for no reason

Dream about trousers you want to wear is torn

Dream of ear piece

Dream of someone cutting all the plants down in my yard

Dream about raping a child

Dig out a coffin

Dreaming ushering people in the church

Dream of new furniture in a small space in the house

Dream theater death body number

Dreamt of truck carriers wood

Deceased person feeling redness

Deceased person feeling hot

Dreaming american man, meaning

Dream interpretation friend

Dreaming of seeing yellow paper

Dead relative giving kola nut in dream but you refused

Dreaming about someone having a job in islam

Dead grandfather bathing on same water i was using to bath

Dreaming of warthog

Dreaming about talking to my dream footballer

Dreaming about taking to my dream footballer

Dreamt of sprinkling of holy water on me by priest?

Dreaming my husband hug me tightly

Danced with dead friend

Dreaming owning a farm with your boyfriend

Devil licking my vigina

Dream of seeing someone tying a cow

Dreamt of being sprinkled holy water by a priest?

Death of death

Dove for sacrifice means

Dreaming yourself with politicians

Deceased king is a live

Dream of fetching water in a gallon

Drinking sachet pure water

Dream about tonic water

Dreaming wearing white beads in neck and hands

Dream meaning of a talking skull

Dream of eating african salad

Dream meaning of some one trying to rape me

Dream about caught your boyfriend cheating

Dream of wearing black and brown sandals

Destruction of the world. but some people are safe including me

Dreaming your partner is an evil spirit

Dream meaning of madfish

Dream about giving money to a masquerade

Dream of being in a car with alot of things inside

Dreaming about catching grasshoppers

Dolphin attacking friend

Dreaming of a pregnant woman carrying a jerycan full of water

Dreaming of walk through the black road

Dreaming of school kids

Dream meaning of a burnt land

Dead man gives green chilli

Deceased asking me to do his laundry

Dreaming of your dad being gay

Dreaming of taking my late father pictures

Dreaming of cows inside the kraal

Dad killing mon

Dreaming my cousin is gay

Dog with no legs

Defending your self from a cutlass adtack

Dream what is the meaning about madman hug someone from your back

Dreaming about flyiers meaning

Dreaming about madman hulk you what is the meaning

Deceased family and friends welcoming me and glad to see me after such a long time

Deceased mother renovating her house

Deceased stepfather

Dreaming of frogs in my mouth

Drunk in darkness

Dreamt of at rita

Dreaming am playing with a black pikachu

Dream of marrying young rich girl

Dead animals coming back from the dead

Dreamt of someone crying

Dreaming my mobile phone is broken

Dreaming about sea food

Daughter sleeping with partner

Does asturbation affect spiritually


Dream about selling of ground

Dream of male friend ill

Dead sister and raw honey

Dreaming of someone deleting your pictures

Dreaming about me and my late grandmother harvesting maize mealrther

Dreaming of a sangona n wen he starts talking i shiver n my clothes tears

Dreaming of colourful car falling into the ocean

Dead father getting beaten by someone

Dreams of washing my twins cloths and hanging them on a rope with a pen to dry

Dreams of seeing and eating puri

Deceased mother taking a bath

Deceased mother answers door

Deliveryman knocking on door

Deceased hi ong me chocolate

Dog is sick

Dreaming about feces in latrine

Dream about debit card not working

Dream meaning of walking together with my deceased father

Deaming of a friend being swept away by flood

Dreamt literally eating snuff!

Daughter sleeping with my man

Doing black magic in dream

Dream of a white coffin in the house

Dream lots of amagwinya in the plastic

Dream lots of vertkoek

Dirty groundnuts

Defecating in a dirty toilet

Dreaming of a dead person looking beautiful

Dumb person speaking to you

Dream of wearing lapis lazuli

Dreaming of picking gold coins stuffing them in my pockets

Donkey giving birth and twins

Dead grandmother giving

Drinking clove water

Dead persons

Dream about mingoring ugali and another one cook same like me

Dreaming bishop lekganyane

Dream interpretation arch

Driving car no engine

Dream interpretation stranger

Dream of signature forging

Dream of someone forging his own signature

Dreaming of someone carry me at his back

Dreaming adead woman wearing high heels

Dead man in a coffin

Draining blood from a container

Drinking lots of juice

Dream of dead grandfather dying

Dreaming of the khoisan people

Dreaming when throwing menesrial pads in the toilet

Dreaming old man pouring me with traditional herbs

Dreaming of someone you know suffering

Dreammean.net/weeding-farm-yours weeding on a farm that is not yours

Dear relatives protecting you

Dream of being in lourdes

Dreaming given cow intestines and going to wash them

Dotted clothes

Dream of seeing alot of jackfruit

Dreaming of a dead person with black eyes

Dream about devil kissing me

Drink from plate

Delivery a chubby baby girll

Dog swiming to catch fish

Donkey number

Dreaming about peeling paw paw

Dreaming of a ghost dog

Deal palm tree

Dog with horns and looks like a man

Dreaming about group of females praying

Dream number for chicken intestine

Dream interpretation watching

Dreaming of the shape x

Dream of heels

Dreamt i was killing a mouse

Doctor refusing to help in dream

Deceased person arrested

Dream meaning of taking out close from closet

Dream interpretation ash

Dream interpretation soorah

Dream i forget my passport

Dream of hearing a man saying hello

Doing a test and messing it up

Dream of playing cards on the floor

Dream of sister and her son practicing witch craft

Dreamt of playing cards on the floor representing three jokers

Dream of cards joker

Dying and weighted down

Dying in a black desert

Dreaming being hunted by a man with machete and axe

Dream of on animal give brith

Driving a blue car

Dreamed of losing my drivers license

Drinking egg nog

Dream interpretation kinner

Dream a friend who had betrayed you

Dream and wx friend who betrayed you

Dreaming of a night dancer

Dream i giving an ex friend honey and oil

Drinking eggnog

Dream i give someone honey and oil

Digigit bunglon di punggung

Dreaming about wearing revealing clothes

Dog tongue fell out

Dream of tiger cub on road

Dream interpretation blonde and hair

Dream of cooking jollof rice and fishe

Deceased mother getting married

Drill in my head

Dream of someone give me palm fruits

Dog woman

Dreaming of collecting breadnut in your sleep

Dream about waist bead fell off from the waist in a dream

Dog at work

Dream sanitary pads

Dead person saying my name

Dreaming two mermaids fighting

Disabled hannds

Dreaming of big catfish

Dreamt of exhuming a coffin

Dreamt that i have wine barrel cellar

Dream of buying food with colleague in a pot while i eat mine in a pot

Dreaming dog sucking my arms

Drinking expired apple juice

Drinking expired spple juice

Dream of snake shedding his skin

Dreaming a foreigner

Dream my hair being braided

Dreams of smelling poop

Dream of giving money to a pastor in a church meaning

Dream walking my slapper cut

Dreaming of receiving a call for a job interview

Dreaming about my daughter falling in the borehole well

Dream about someone stealing chickens from you

Dreaming about dogs mating

Dreaming about playing games with my brother

Dreamd cry wife after my drad

Dreaming of skin peeling off sole of feet

Dead of women

Dreamt that my spouse had white stains stains of paint on his back

Dream buying many cigarettes for someone

Dreaming of being a grooms man for a wedding

Deceased aunty

Dreaming of a house full of feaces/ sewage and i fall into the shit

Dreaming d

Dream of a pregnant black cat with two tails

Dreams of wearing brown sandal

Dusty shirt

Dreaming holy communion

Devi kali talking to me

Decaitated lion head

Dreaming my boyfriend lossing his job

Dream seeing snacks

Dreaming of human lucky number

Dream seeing lots of simba chips

Dreamed that i am pregnant and i am eating with my husband and suddenly i getting angry at him and he consoling me and he kisses me

Dreaming of having children with unknown church going woman and staying together

Dream of sathya narayana pooja

Dream about chanting of sri rama rameti sloka

Dreaming about goat

Dreaming about talking with astrologer

Drowning birds

Dead cow bur

Dream of been gifted shea butter

Dream of trees coming threw windows


Dog wating my food

Dreaming pushing the tricycle in the national road

Dreaming a heap of sorghum in front of you

Dreaming someone is searching me

Dreaming wearing injeti

Dreaming of a boss

Dreaming of paper with black writing

Dream of beads in my palm

Dead person inside the big jar

Dream of memorial service bring surounded by a crowd

Dry skin on the hands like ash

Dream little toe fell off

Dream of a dead person coming back to life

Dreaming of my bf being rich

Dreams of my partner being a successful man

Dream of a dead person planting palm tree in a dream

Deceased mother being bitten by a snake

Dream of wearing new clothes but it turns to torn down

Dream someone awake with ancestors

Dreaming vomiting feces

Dryer crammed full of clothes

Dream snake entering a hole

Dead and congratulation

Dream of kidnapping a child

Dead animals coming back to life

Dream of seeing someone stomach cut open but with silver coins inside

Dream of been raped by a cow

Dream of my stomach cut open on the left and right side twice

Deformed cat dreams

Dream of my stomach cut open

Dream of someone stomach cut open

Dryer missing

Dirty ashtrays

Dreaming of papa legba

Dog bite my dog

Dreaming of harvesting tigernuts meaning

Dreamt of a failing journey severally

Dead mother asking for saree in dream

Dreaming of a girl giving you her virginity

Deer and tiger

Dream of going to work but forget some staff back home

Dream of white crocodile

Dream of getting burnt with oil on the chest

Dreaming about myself getting younger

Dread that my dead sister got married

Dreamt somebody was squatting in my house when i came home and they changed stuff around

Different eye color

Drinking scotch in waterford crystal

Dreaming a lady kneeling asking me to forgive.her

Dreaming of a wood cabin on stilts

Dream of new scooter delivered to me with a big car by white men and my name on it

Dream of bedbugs around my body

Dream numver

Dreaming of seeing bishop

Dream to show you are about to get a new job

Dreaming about escalator going up and very fast

Dreaming someone throwing up the millipede

Dream of plucking chayotte

Dead human in a sacks

Dreamt someone i know killed

Dreaming of me carrying guru granth sahib ji in a huge form

Dream of sleeping outside the house

Dreaming of a cow having two udder

Deceased son picture

Death of ourselves

Deceased son picture burnt

Dream of getting married to your best friend

Dream of getting married to your bestfriend

Dreaming of house

Dream eating mopane worms

Dream of seeing someone selling biscuits

Dreaming you are training as a nurse

Dream of my boss visiting my house

Dreaming of a lot of soap bubbles and buckets of clothes to wash

Death person eating fish head in dream

Dreaming of addressing large number of people inahall

Destructive bigfoot

Dead crowd

Dream meaning of being in a matanity ward

Dream about planting cowpeas

Dream frying akara someone laughing in the dream

Dream frying akara

Dreaming of gravel

Double store house

Dreaming double store house

Dreaming that my toes are being pulled

Dreaming a voice saying mom

Dreaming expired bread and donates under your bed

Deceased mum singing

Dreaming of sponge gourd

Dream of being in an auction of a business that was to be handed to me but was stolen

Dreaming of being a makoti?

Dream of a spider web

Dark cold energy

Dreaming volando co los brazos

Darkness approaching

Dreaming of fresh naarjies

Dream of green piece of paper

Disturbing a grave

Dreaming home funeral for several days

Dream of getting fingered by a man

Dreaming of seeing a rondavels in the water

Dreaming of white nd the blue beads

Dream of going through obstacle

Dream of being shot by police

Dream of giving testimony

Dream interpretation dodging

Dirt and shoes

Dream with tomatos in the mouth smash from eating

Dream with to

Dream interpretation dirt

Dream someone face in my clothe

Dream of being given braai pack

Dreaming of number one one being called out

Dream of eating fufu and light soup means

Dur e najaf in a dream

Dream princess kate middleton

Dream someone giving me used sandals and refusing to take them

Dream interpretation dead, father, gave, perfume and bottles

Dream of a dam

Dream of shaving private part

Dead husband touch

Dreaming of selling mandazi

Dreaming of a dry grass

Dreaming of sores at the back of my body

Dog on barbecue

Driving underage

Dream of someone pouring libation

Dog entrails

Dreaming of pulling blood from vigina

Dreaming seating with a chief

Dream meaning of picking charcoal

Dream of cooking sadza

Dead sister asking for my clothes

Dreamt holding a green sugarcane

Dreaming of periperi

Dream of peripri

Ducklings on fire in a dream

Dreams of a parrot

Dreaming of my late mother receiving bride price for me

Dream about planet saturn

Dead friend inviting to party

Dreamt picking up a fifty rand note from the ground

Di lempar sandal oleh seseorang

Dead person being carried in dreams meaning

Dream interpretation sink

Dreaming of harvesting millet in the garden

Doll trying to suffocate me

Dolls suffocating me

Dreaming while moving with the president and talking to him what does it mean

Dream interpretation reciting

Dream interpretation string

Declining my photo to be taken

Destroyed property

Dream bout witnessing your boyfriend getting married to someone else

Dream of pieces of finger nails coming out of my mouth

Dreamt where i was urinating in a toilet and the color was blue

Dream about mustach

Dream about a man

Dreaming feeding baby but crying refusing to suck

Dream with a husband when not married

Dream meaning of boyfriend wearing dirty shoes

Damaged straightening irons

Dream of pastor in the car

Deceased and toenails meaning

Dreaming a died friend giving me a drink

Dreaming about goat and horses

Dying and reaurecting

Dying and respawing

Dreaming thatched house

Dream killing a mad man

Dream of i removed a load on my head

Dream of visiting grand mother who passed away

Dreaming about daughters ex boyfriend

Dream to wear

Dead animals in the freezer

Dreaming about catching live inswa then after sometime it flys awe, what does that mean?

Dream of removing a splinter

Dream interpretation leopard

Dad wearing saree

Dreaming many dead bodies on a street

Donate blood to someone

Dreaming of ostrich eggs

Dream taking ostrich egg

Dream meaning of a boy coming to ask for consent

Duo drive in cycle

Dream of giving birth to a baby girl

Dreaming of a broken champagne bottle

Dreamt of a friend wearing washed wet clothes

Dead eating a ripe mango


Dead person consuming

Dreaming about ex head

Devi lakshmi

Dream of getting hold bangles from devi lakshmi

Dreaming of someone wearing the shirt your boyfriend gave you

Dad slapping

Dream about planted plantain stuckers

Dress fire

Dreams of pixie

Dream someone i know to doing sihr in my ned

Dream of shopping with deceased mom

Dreaming of whiteflowers

Dreaming of the clouds covered me

Dreaming of being covered by cotton wool all over

Dream of wigs

Dried fish mother

Dead father giving puppy in dream.

Dreams of dead person waving and smiling

Dreaming of mausoleum with my sister

Dream of bathing with sister in-law

Dream of cooked jute leaves

Dead person carrying flowers

Dead mom asking for tea

Diya going off in dream meaning

Death in muharram night

Dreaming someone toe been cut off

Dead mother in a dream giving birth to a baby girl

Dancing your own dance

Dreaming protecting the president

Dream of rainy day

Dreaming of necklese

Dream of super rainy day

Dream meaning of killing a night dancer

Daugther pregnant

Dream of walking through a hole in bedroom wall

Dreaming of giving myself fellatio

Dream about cooking jute leaves

Di beri hamster

Dreaming of a baby in white

Dream about watching deceased grandfather and uncle

Dream about watery rose apple

Dream about deceased grandfather and uncle

Deceased father jumped out of window

Dreaming of man telling he is coming to get you

Dream of coffin with flies around it

Dreaming of a man giving his wife a red apple

Dreaming of applying snake fat on my whole body

Does snakes have fat

Doors sliding

Dream about alion attacking a dog

Dreaming collecting green mealies

Dream of eating cow intestine

Dreaming about numbers

Driving a car against traffic but blocked by a truck

Driving against traffic and met a broken down truck

Dream of someone holding a hoe meaning

Dream of someone holding a hoe

During against traffic and net a broken down truck

Decease loved one invited me to join him with god


Dead grass cutter in a dream

Dreaming mad man begging to make love with you means what

Dreaming of umembeso ceremony

Deceased grandma was alive and telling me she gave someone a combintaion of numbers that her mom gave her

Dreaming of someone nursing a baby

Dead person taking not a shower

Dream of a mouse trapped in a brown paper bag with a lizard and gets eating

Dead relatives gives me bunch of green plant

Dead relative giving me a bunch of green plant

Drinking water from toilet tap

Dream of making a palm nut

Dismantling beds /bedroom

Dreaming painting white wash

Driving red car with lover

Dreaming painting white wash on a wall

Digging cassava

Dreaming picking up naartjies for me and my family

Draming someone giving currency coins

Dream about friend and my crush getting together and i get in a fight with my friend about it

Dream of myself cooking in 3feet black pot

Dreams of my dead father giving me a pen so as to give to my brother

Dead fried

Drinking bitterleaf water in the dream

Dreaming of deceased relative

Dream about future husband name in the sky

Dream of pulling out a long thick mucus

Dream about shembe leader

Dreaming of islip

Dream of helpless women in dream

Drinking red drink

Dreams of bayawak

Dreaming given snot apple

Dreaming about renovation at work place

Dropping of quran in dream

Dreaming of traveling with a new pestle

Dream of buying a pearl necklace

Dreaming about a friend ruin my passport

Dream eating roasted soya beans

Dream about my dead father told me put the curtains up

Dreaming of sharing fritters