Dream Interpretation - Dream Meanings

Precognitive dreams

Precognition occurs when an event is foreseen ahead of time or information is acquired through a non...

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Dream simulations: exploring "what if" scenarios

Dreams can act as simulations, helping you answer questions, resolve issues, and solve problems by a...

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Mastering dream analysis: a simple guide

DREAMS 1-2-3: A Systematic Approach to Dream Interpretation Understanding the DREAMS 1-2-3 ...

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How does dream amplification shed light on personal narratives?

Interpretation Techniques—Amplify Definition and Purpose of Amplification ...

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How can you decode dreams? exploring the systematic approach to dream analysis

The DREAMS 1-2-3 System of Dreamwork: A Detailed Approach Step 1: Deconstructing ...

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Decoding the dream realm: what processes are at work in our minds?

What Are Dreams: Decoding the Dream Realm from a Scientific Perspective In the mo...

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Understanding the fundamentals of dream interpretation

There are three fundamental principles to understand the world of dreams. 1. S...

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Decoding your dreams: a guide to understanding symbols

Demystifying Your Dreams Dreams are the dress rehearsal. Real life is the performance. ...

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Enhancing dream recall: simple techniques and strategies

It's a widespread phenomenon that more than half of individuals have little to no recollection of th...

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Unlocking the power of dreams: a pathway to personal growth

Dreams and their meanings might remain an ambiguous domain for many individuals. The notion that dre...

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The diverse perspectives in dream interpretation

Dream interpretation remains a subject of intense debate among scholars and practitioners, with vary...

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Dream interpretation: top-down vs. free form approaches

Top-Down Approach (Formal—Closed) This method of dream interpretation adheres to structured t...

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The enigmatic nature of dreams

If dreams have something important to convey, why do they often communicate indirectly, through ...

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The utility of dreams

Just as dreamers in earlier historical times took dream instruction seriously, we also expect w...

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The significance and impact of dreams

Though some may dismiss dreams as mere nonsense, the majority of us perceive them as importa...

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Dreams as divine and personal messengers

Throughout early human history, it was a common belief that dreams served as divine messages...

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20 most common dreams

Various ministries and organizations have logged literally thousands of dreams and therefore have be...

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The importance of keeping a dream journal

Why Recording Dreams is Crucial Preserving Dream Messages: Recording dreams ensures that thei...

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Dream dictionaries and science

Unraveling the Enigmatic Realm of Dreams: Exploring Dream Dictionaries and the Science Behind D...

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Dream dictionary

Unlocking Your Subconscious Mind: The Dream Dictionary The Dream Dictionary is your gateway to u...

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Understanding dream characters: insights

Who's in Your Dreams: Jungian Archetypes and Other People Introduction: Our ...

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Exploring the realm of dreams: a comprehensive guide

Dreams are enigmatic windows into our inner worlds, each with its own unique tale to tell. In this c...

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The art and science of dreaming

The scientific exploration of dreams is known as oneirology. This field delves not only into the con...

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Exploring the history of dream analysis

Babylonia / Mesopotamia Accounts of dream analysis in ancient Mesopotamia, dating back more than 5,0...

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Dream interpretation: unveiling the mind's hidden realms

The Perspectives of Freud, Jung, Hall, and Domhoff on Dreams Our website, "Symbols, Signs, and Mean...

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Astral travel in dreams

Ethereal Expeditions: Unveiling the Secrets of Astral Travel in Dream Yoga Have you e...

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Dreams and the new age

The New Age Movement's Impact on Dream Exploration One of the factors contribut...

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The mythological aspect of dreaming

Beyond the specific topic of lucid dreaming, the more general subject of interpreting and under...

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Dream types and their significance

The classification of dreams and their functions and significance are topics widely discussed among ...

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The five phases of the dream

While we sleep, our brain constantly remains active, passing through different phases or ste...

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Interpreting sexual dreams

Consider a recent dream you've had. You may recall who was present, where it occurred, or what t...

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The power of dreams

Throughout history, dreams have been believed to possess extraordinary powers that transcend scienti...

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How to interpret your dreams

Unlocking the Hidden Meanings of Your Dreams Have you ever woken up from a vivid dream and w...

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Unlocking the power of dreams

Understanding Dreams: Dreams offer insights into our thoughts and emotions, providing a canvas f...

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Understanding nightmares and night terrors

People who experience nightmares may find themselves jolting awake in the middle of the night, often...

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The profound impact of dreams on human psychology

J. Allan Hobson, a renowned neuroscientist specializing in brain structure and dreams, has ident...

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The fascinating world of animal dreams

Animals exhibit a wide range of sleep patterns. While lions may slumber for two to three days at a t...

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Lucid dreaming research

In the late 1970s, Dr. Dement and his colleague Stephen LaBerge embarked on groundbreaking resea...

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Dream theories: why do we dream?

While Dr. LaBerge studied lucid dreams as a means of personal transformation, other researchers have...

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Lucid dreaming: exploring the depths of consciousness

Lucid Dreaming: Exploring the Depths of Consciousness The modern psychological study of dreams is...

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Working with dream imagery

Dream images hold symbolic messages, and among them, the most striking are often the ones that evoke...

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Levels of dream interpretation

A dream can be interpreted on various levels, often extending beyond its literal meaning. Typically,...

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Unlocking the meaning of dreams

Dreams can manifest in almost any form, utilizing a wide array of symbols and storylines. Recogn...

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Common types of dreams

In the realm of dreams, nothing is beyond exploration. We open ourselves to experience every facet o...

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The language of dreams: symbols and their meanings

In the realm of dreams, there exist primary symbols that often carry consistent meanings. To embark ...

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The profound language of dream symbols

Dreams, perhaps one of the most intriguing aspects of human existence, communicate with us through a...

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Kinds of dreams

Dreams come in various forms, each offering its own unique insight into our inner world. As you delv...

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Utilizing dreams for problem solving

Even if you do not consciously use dreams for problem solving, you no doubt have had the experie...

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How to remember a dream

Each one of us can learn the art of remembering dreams. This ability is a fundamental requiremen...

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The profound significance of dreams

The Profound Significance of Dreams Are dreams mere enigmatic events that unfold in the depths of...

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Dream interpretation and timing of fulfillment throughout the month

Day 1 of the Month Dream Interpretations Generally signify good news. Fulfi...

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Dream symbols: connecting past and present

A symbol is a vital element in dream interpretation, serving as a critical bridge that connects diff...

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What is a dream?

Dreams are a fascinating and unique experience that occur during sleep. They are characterized by vi...

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What is the best dream interpretation website?

Unlocking the Depths of Your Dreams: Exploring dreammean.net Introduction Dreams have long fas...

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Your dreams: a guide to interpretation

Unlocking the Hidden Meanings of Your Dreams Dream interpretation is an intriguing and comp...

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What are the most common symbols in dreams?

Exploring the World of Dream Symbols: Categories and Meanings Dream symbols are highly personal and...

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What are precognitive dreams?

The Fascinating and Mysterious Phenomenon of Precognitive Dreams Precognitive dreams are a fascinat...

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How do you know if a dream is a vision?

Understanding the Cultural, Psychological, and Spiritual Significance of Dreams and Visions The...

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Can dreams predict your future?

Exploring the Power of Dreams: Insights into Personal Growth and Development There has been a long-...

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What is it called when your dreams actually happen?

Precognitive Dreams: The Mysterious Connection Between Conscious and Subconscious Mind Dreams that c...

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The fascination of deja vu

Understanding a Complex Neurological Phenomenon Deja vu is a fascinating and complex ph...

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Dreams tell about you and your life

Dreams can reveal important insights about your life and your subconscious mind. When you wake up ...

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What do dreams mean?

If you have ever wondered why dreams often appear so difficult to make sense of, it is because the i...

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How do we interpret our dreams?

Interpreting your dreams can be a lot of fun. As we’ve said, it can also give you valuable insight...

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Book of dream

By bringing meaning to the signs, symbols, archetypes, and elements of the Upper World, whether thro...

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A few questions and answers regarding dreams

What is a dream?A dream is an event transpiring in that world belonging to the mind when the objecti...

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How to interpret any theme in your dreams?

Almost every dream has a theme, which may be common or uncommon. Without understanding the theme, yo...

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What is a dream?

When you have a dream, your first inclination is to wonder what it means. Few ask, “What is a drea...

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A dream is not a mini-movie - it is a link to your life

A Dream Shines a Spotlight on Your Life. In step two about finding a dream’s story line, you extra...

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Journey of the soul: mystical experiences in sleep

Dreams Beyond Dreams: Mystical Experiences Recalled as Dreams Not all dreams are merely dreams. Acc...

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People in dreams: when are they mirrors of you?

The People in Your Dreams. Whether the person portrayed is a family member, friend, stranger, or som...

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Nightmares and scary dreams: frightening dreams are your friend

Even Nightmares Have a Helpful Purpose. A nightmare is easy to recognize: You wake up feeling anythi...

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Advanced dream analysis hints

Taking a Leap in Dream Understanding. Like any other skill that you master, the more proficient you ...

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Emotions as dream flags

Emotions as the Music of Your Dreams. Not everyone is a music aficionado, but you know when a song o...

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A fast track to the meaning of your dreams

You Need Only Five Minutes to Analyze a Dream This is a first glance at a quick method to analyze y...

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Ways to remember your dreams.

Whether you have trouble recalling dreams in general, or want to remember more, try these tips.1: GE...

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Fun dream facts and hints

Like adding a G.P.S. system to a car, these facts and tips can steer you in the right direction to m...

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Reasons for esp in dreams

The possibility that dreams may contain ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) fascinates most people and br...

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Hints about dreams and dreaming

Dream Hints and Insights. Learning to analyze dreams is a little bit like learning to drive a car. A...

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Do dreams have meaning?

There is an ongoing debate about whether dreams are a vehicle for messages or whether dreams are ran...

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Physiological effects on the body while you dream

THE BRAIN STAYS ACTIVE. The brain is as active while you dream as it is when you are awake. The body...

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The birth of a dream

AN AUTOMATIC NIGHTLY REVIEW. Once you fall asleep, the mind turns on an “automatic housekeeping”...

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Where dreams come from

YOU JUGGLE TWO LIVES. You live two lives: an outer life of actions and an inner, hidden life of emot...

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We extend our warmest greetings to you as you embark on a journey through the realm of dream...

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A brief dictionary of dreams from the kabbalah

ABYSS Danger related to an intense emotional situation. You should be cautious when interacting wit...

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Unlocking the secrets of lucid dreaming

Unlocking the Secrets of Lucid Dreaming: A Journey into Conscious Dream Control "In the state o...

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Strength of one's dreams

The meaning of a dream is stronger when seen at dawn, or during an afternoon nap, or when fruits are...

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Interpretation by correlation, relativity, and approximation

In this case, laughing in a dream means sorrow, while smiling in a dream means politeness and correc...

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Interpretation by contraposition

Some dreams are interpreted to mean the opposite when the elements are related. This tradition com...

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Dream in traditions

Interpreting the dream by subject requires further understanding of one's religious and socio-cultur...

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Archetypes (archetypal dream images)

While the notion of archetypes is at least as old as Plato, it is most familiar to the modern world ...

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Dreams in arabic culture

Dreams have many meanings in Arabic culture. According to some, sleep is a preoccupation of the soul...

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Anthropology of dreams

Anthropology has contributed considerably to the cross-cultural understanding of dreams. The earlies...

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Sleep in animals

The observation of animal sleep patterns has long been of interest, dating as far back as 44 B.C.E.,...

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Sun signs and dreams

The Sun signs of astrology can appear in dreams, through the following correspondences: See also: ...

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The minor arcana

Wands Ace: New starts, new business idea, rush of energy. Two: Planning for the future, anxi...

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Different types of dreams

“The interpretation of dreams is the real path to knowing the soul.” SIGMUND FREUD Clear and p...

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Why do we dream? physiology of dreams

“Everything serious comes to us at night.” CICERO What happens when we sleep? Why do we sleep...

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What are dreams for?

"Trust in Dreams, for in Them the Gateway to Eternity is Hidden."—KHALIL GIBRAN Dreams and Th...

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Animal dreams

Humans have been dreaming about animals for ages. It has been speculated that some of the ancient ca...

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The effect of alcohol on sleep

Alcohol can have a significant impact on sleep and sleeping patterns. Under the influence of alcohol...

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The Aguaruna are a people who inhabit Peru’s northern region, where they support themselves throug...

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Age and dreams

Sleep patterns vary markedly across different age groups, with people sleeping progressively less so...

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Aesculapius (or Asclepius) was the most popular healing divinity of the Hellenistic world. He was a ...

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Alfred adler

Alfred Adler (1870–1937) was an Austrian psychiatrist who developed a personality theory referred ...

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Adaptive theory

Adaptive theory speculates that species-wide sleep patterns developed as a way of adapting to the en...

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Activation-synthesis model of dreaming

The activation-synthesis model of dreaming was proposed in 1977 by Robert McCarley and J. Allan Hobs...

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Dreams unveiled

"All dreams are given for the benefit of the individual, would he but interpret them correc...

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Interpreting dreams in 4 easy steps

In Dream Encyclopedia, we provide comprehensive guidance on each step required for dream interpretat...

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A few questions and subjective answers regarding dreams

What is a dream? A dream is an event transpiring in that world belonging to the mind when the objec...

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Months of the year

When dreaming about a particular month, a dreamer should explore some of the outside influences that...

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The nature of sleep

What is sleep exactly? Although we know that all creatures that live sleep, and although science has...

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Can dreams come true?

In 1953, in order to test the possibility of ESP through dreaming—that is, dreams that predict the...

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A short history of dreaming

Dreams, it seems, have fascinated the entire human race from earliest times. And until quite recentl...

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Be a dream explorer

From time immemorial, people have used dreams in ways that benefited their waking lives. The more yo...

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What dreams can do for you

Your dream world is an invisible but extremely powerful inner resouce, one that you can learn to acc...

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Making life easy on yourself

Unveiling the Essence of Self-Discovery If you truly know yourself, then the sym...

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Use it don't lose it

The biggest problem in living and learning is that people will not consistently use the tools they h...

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Gaining control

When you begin to gain control of dreams, you are often aware when you are dreaming. If you are bein...

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Dreams and self-knowledge

Dreams help you see yourself as you are: your true inner beauty, your potential, where you are both ...

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Link to enlightenment

Throughout our existence we are striving to integrate levels of consciousness within us, for then we...

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Working with dream images

All dream images have a symbolic message. The ones that are the most startling are the fear images. ...

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Levels of interpretation

A dream can be seen on many levels. There is a literal meaning which is usually not the correct inte...

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Dream interpretation and recording dreams

Dreams may come in almost any form and use any symbol or story line imaginable. Recognizing the feel...

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Working with dreams

How to Remember a Dream Everyone of us can learn to remember dreams. This, of course, is a prerequi...

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We are interdimensional beings

Dreams begin to awaken us to the fact that we are spiritual or interdimensional beings, in the third...

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What's in a dream?

Are dreams some strange, mysterious phenomenon that spontaneously happen on the night shift of life?...

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Consider common dream symbolism first

If there’s any such thing as a shortcut to finding dream meaning, this is it. The majority of drea...

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Tips for translating dream symbolism

Dream symbol meaning is specific to each dreamer, and it can even vary from dream to dream for the s...

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Recognizing dream symbol meaning

When you’re trying to understand the meaning of a dream symbol, what you’re really looking for i...

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Learn dream symbol language

Your dream and its symbols speak through the language of dream symbolism. Although that language sha...

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Unlocking the power of your dreams

Dream interpretation provides powerful knowledge about yourself that you might not discover otherwis...

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Capturing your dreams: how to recall and record

Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you. - Marsha Norman We a...

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Interpreting your dreams

“If the dream is a translation of waking life, waking life is also a translation of the dream.” ...

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Walking and talking in your sleep

Sleepwalking or moving is an attempt to put a dream into action. Most likely you have grown out of t...

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Dream types

“I can never decide whether my dreams are a result of my thoughts, or my thoughts the res...

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There is a big difference between daydreaming and dreams when you are sleeping, even though the phys...

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Famous dreams

Through the centuries, the dreaming mind has been credited with being the source of ideas, insights,...

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Other important dream theorists

Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler (1870-1937) suggested that dreams are all about wish-fulfillment ...

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The freud and jung revolution

The Profound Nature of Dreams: Freud and Jung's Perspectives ‘Dreams are often most profound ...

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A brief history of dream interpretation

"Now Allah has created the dream not only as a means of guidance and instruction, I refer to the ...

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Rem sleep

REM sleep is recognized by tiny twitches of facial muscles and slight movements of the hands. Blood ...

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The four stages of sleep

"Yet it is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to t...

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The hows, whys and whats of sleep and dreams

The Balm for Weary Minds "Sleep is the balm for hurt minds, nature’s great second course."...

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Since water is a metaphor for feelings, a dream about drowning usually means that you are afraid of ...

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Possible meanings A dream about a bomb can sometimes be triggered by a deeply disturbing experience...

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Being lost

Possible meanings You dream that you are lost, desperately trying to find your way home. No matter ...

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Being naked in public

Possible meanings You dream you are in a public place when you suddenly realize you are naked. Alth...

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Anxiety dreams

Some researchers believe that anxiety dreams reflect a time when our ancestors were constantly threa...

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How to remember your dreams

Many people are convinced that they do not dream. ‘My head hits the pillow and I’m out for the c...

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Why are dreams healing?

The idea that dreams can be healing is not new. In the ancient civiliza¬ tions of Egypt and Greece,...

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Children, especially, are prone to nightmares. Nightmares are common in children, typically beginnin...

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Disturbing dreams

Disturbing dreams aren’t quite nightmares. They may cause you to wonder what exactly your sub-cons...

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Most common dream images

Dreams are like enigmatic puzzles, offering glimpses into the intricate workings of our subconsc...

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Interpreting your dreams

Interpreting Your Dreams Interpreting your dreams can be an immensely rewarding endeavor. As we ...

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How to remember your dreams

When beginning the steps towards interpreting your dreams, many people find it helpful to keep a not...

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Why remember your dreams?

Your dreaming mind has access to information that is not readily available to you when you are awake...

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Why do we dream?

The brain receives stimuli from many different sources all day long. There are far too many stimuli ...

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Types of dreams

Daydreams Studies show that we all have the tendency to daydream an average of 70-120 minutes a day....

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Edgar cayce on dreams

Cayce was able to obtain virtually an unlimited amount of knowledge on an unlimited number of subjec...

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Carl jung on dreams

Jung studied under the tutelage of Sigmund Freud. Their differing views on dreams and dream interpre...

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Sigmund freud on dreams

Sigmund Freud actually called dreams the “royal road to the unconscious,” That statement will pr...

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Our brain is washed during sleep.

A New Frontier in Sleep Science: Unveiling the Brain's Nocturnal Symphony Introduction Recent strid...

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Did we always dream?

That may seem like a silly question, but think about early man. Have people always dreamt even when ...

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Common traveling dreams

Traveling dreams can be incredibly insightful because they show you what is keeping you from getting...

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Your dream dictionary

You may find that certain symbols keep cropping up in your dreams. Maybe your mother always appears ...

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Dreams and relationships

Some common questions about sexual dreams Q: If I make love to someone I know in my dream, does tha...

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Precognitive dream

There are many types of precognitive dream that allow you to visit potential futures, giving choices...

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Spiritual or mystical dreams

Tibetan Buddhists call these‘dreams of clarity’ because such dreams go beyond everyday situation...

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The ten most common dreams

Anthropologists, psychologists and dream analysts often find similar themes in dreams that appear to...

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Precognitive disaster dreams

The following precognitive disaster dreams certainly challenge our preconceptions and rational expla...

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Precognitive dreams

Carl Jung believed that the unconscious could be revealed through dreams, premonitions or synchronis...

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Unlocking the Meaning of Dreams and Embracing Your Vision for the Future When we close our ey...

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Interpretation of dreams

There are thousands of symbols, and it depends upon the context of one's own personal dream as to wh...

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132 common dreams

ACORNS To dream of acorns, and that you eat one, denotes you will rise gradually to riches and ho...

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10 common dreams

TEETH My most popular requests for dream interpretation are by far, dreams about teeth falling out....

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20 common dreams

Partial excerpt from “Dream Language” by Jim & Michal Ann Goll Various ministries and organi...

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Dream sources

Dream Interpret - Your Ultimate Dream Dictionary Welcome to Dream Interpret, yo...

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Do your dreams have a meaning?

The Scientific Literature of Dream-Problems I shall begin by giving a short account of the views of...

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30 common dream symbols

Here are 30 different dream symbol that appear most common in the world and these dreams meanings. ...

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Dream meanings

Dream interpretation requires vast knowledge, clear perception, and sensi­tivity. Such knowledge mu...

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Dream meaning and symbol

Dream Interpretation / Dream Dictionary / Dream Meanings Knowledge is power, so learn to understand...

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Dream symbols

Dream Interpretation & an A to Z dictionary of symbols and their meanings helps you make sense of yo...

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Islamic dream

Islamic Dream Interpretation: Unlocking the Hidden Meanings of Dreams Discover the profound worl...

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India, interpretation of dreams

This dictionary of India, interpretation of dreams contains over 93 indexed entries. Indian Interpre...

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Freud, sigmund (1856-1939)

When Freud, as a qualified doctor and neurologist, became interested in psychology, it was still a b...

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Creativity and problem solving in dreams

Few dreams are, by themselves, problem solving or creative.The few excep­tions are usually very cle...

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The dreams you seek from A to Z