Dream Interpret | Dream Interpretation
Dream Dictionary - A to Z

Dreams starting with the letter R

Robot testing on animals

Receiving a curtain as a gift

Romving out of you house in dream

Reciting ya hayyu ya qayyum in dream

Running in the forest away from something

Rats drowing


Riyaz ul jannah

Recovering lost sufuria

Running a maratjon

Renovations house

Refuse taking pictures in the dream meaning

Running to the bus chased by a lion with a kid

Receiving calls in the dream

Remove wedding ring

Removing leeches on

Removing leeches and

Recovering unpaid money

Rainbow moon dream

Road with a lot of rocks and water


Received five hundred naira note

Received complimentary card in my dream

Rip tides

Received holy quran on eid day

Reborn doll

Restaurant set on fire

Rituel de l oeuf spiritualites

Rotten cookies

Receiving a mandolin

Running farcet

Receiving cocoa yam

Raising up the dead means what spiritualy


Red eyed snake

Root of hair

Rice cooker

Rubbing raw egg on my head

Receiving mug as a gift


Receiveing ukazi leave in the dream

Reading words written and spelt backwards

Receiving a dog as a gift

Red mould house in dream meaning

Rich family

Receiving something like card or paper from dead person in dream what does it mean?

Running up in the building

Running up in the buildim

Real person scare dream

Real person scae deaam

Running on buildings

Reading words in the sky

Red oil poured inside the water

Rat in front door

Rotten primeribs

Red habanero pepper

Razor blades in my boots

Received scarf as gift in the dream

Ripe and not ripe avocado

Red serpent dies

River full of crystal

Relative in a

Rice with sugar

Red curtains bob

Rabbit giving brith

Receiving two hundred naira note in a dream

Retrieve stolen money

Recovery stolen money

Receiving gem stones from god

Return book to library

Red and ring dream

Rabbit in snow

Rubbing body and

Rubbing my body

Rock coming out of nose

Recite sure kafirun

Red alam

Robbing a grave

Receiving gift a hijab

Running a relay race in the dream


Resealed letters

Red laser

Row samon dream interpretation

Raw samon

Rooster match

Rooster natch

Ruyada altı rakamı görmek ne anlama

Receiving oha leaves in the dream


Reciting allahhu akbar

Rabbit and snake

Reciting inna lillahi wa ilaihi rajioon in dream

Removing long sleeve of shirt

Receiving a scroll

Rain of blood

Road being made

Room of women

Receiving haldi and junking from ladies

Red jasper on wrist

Removing snail shells in the dream means what

Receiving jewelry as a gift in a dream

Rainy beach

Receiving dirty text messages from lover

Removing bones from fresh fish

Rocket falling

Rocket fell from skin

Receiving a land title

Running in a dream without trousers

Receive kukum in dream

Receiving bitter kola as gift

Receiving bitter kola as a gift dream

Rhea bird

Raven symbolism

Receiving lassi drink

Ripping sheets

Returned money borrowed

Running away from me towards a butcher

Riding deer

Rooms without ceiling

Room with no ceiling

Raw meat from husband

Receiving raw meat from husband

Room divider

Recieving a call from my husband

Receiving a call from hubby

Red jelly in a swimming pool

Rescuing drowning baby

Race cart

Red water in a dream

Raining drowning

Received boiled corn from a wife in a dream

Rescue cow

River with big rocks

Running helter sketer in dream

Riding a donkey cart


Riding in a boat

Riding in a banc

Raptor biting you

Receiving sugar

Rock salt

Removing snail from its shell

Run over by truck

Reaching our

Receiving blood infusion in dream

Rocks thrown at me and my partner

Rocks being thrown at me and wife

Rubbing snake juice in my hands

Riding on elephant

Ripping out veins

Rocket waiting friend group

Rainbow smake

Replaced with water

Red licorice candy

Replaced and water

Rocks and ice

Rejected in the dream

Receive foreign currency dream meaning

Raining in kabbah in dream

Reads flowing opposite way of a current

Reeds flowing against the current of a river

Rain coming in the galvanize and wetting your bed

Receive a golden chain in dream

Recieving a letter for someone else


Receiving a golden cup in the dream

Raining of eggs

Receiving alert from the bank dream meaning

Risking my life

Risking life to save a dog

Reciting laa quawala walla quwata illa billa

Rise hand


Receiving two chitenga rappers

Removing broom splinter from tip of left ring fing

Receiving muthi

Roasting my tongue

Reading first ayah of surah nasr

Rain and hale

Rain from a guava tree

Raw spoiled eggs eaten

Raw spoiled eggs

Rain in a dream until it soaksthings inside a house

Rain in a dream

Resin meaning in my dream

Running and running from the law

Receiving pomegranates

Receiving jaggery from ex husband

Rt is shrinking and no nipple on it

Recovery from virus

Recivery from virus

Red spots on wife

Red spots like chicken pox

Restaurant dream interpretation

Received recharge card in dream


Rainbow snake in forest

Red tika.putting on forehead

Red leg

Ruined cake

Robin williams gave me ice cream

Rose tattoo

Removing endless amounts of shirts cannot become shirtless

Removing endless amounts of shirts

Repeating a dream about someone you know protecting you

Reading the quran inside the mosque in group

Rain and a dead laptop

Riding at the roof of a bus

Rain of green leaves in dream

Rats on soiled clothes

Running into a stranger constantly

Received wristwatches

Received wristwatch

Reviving wristwatch

Receiving rusk

Reading syrah ahzab in dream

Rubbing sugar on the face

Ragi ball giving someone to me

Red tomatoes , various vegetables and eggs appearing on tree

Red macoopa dream meaning

Running from a man with no face

Raining in kaba

Running away with a dead friend

Road with many exits

Reciting astagfar in dream

Reciting the names of allah | dream interpretation

Red n white sandalwood in dream means

Rains rushing to removeclothes

Receiving bitter kola from your enemy in dream means what

Rip rice farm in a dream meaning

Rainbow with black feathers

Running away from mad woman in dream

Rushing to murder

Rope around my neck


Recieving fork

Rear wheel is punctured of my scooty

Red canopies

Restaurant stove

Rectal exam

Raccoon biting someone

Rocks being thrown at me

Receiving packs of chalk sticks

Raccoon attacking me

Received bank card with pin

Receiving khairat meat in dream

Relocating to dirty environment

Recieving betel nut and leaf

Reciting astagfiruallah in a dream

Receiving flower in temple in dream

Relocate abroad

Receiving black rib pn

Radha and krishna seperated in my dreams

Radha and krishna seperated

Rescuing a child from gutter

Ripe cotton fruit

Riding bike with brother

Roaring lion

Removing quills from my scalp deeply embedded

Reflector ina dreammean

Romaine and lettuce

Rose bleeding

Refrigerator parrot

Rusted nails in food

Receiving cookies as a gift




Running with opposite prone

Removing bangles and giving to wear bangles to dead mother


Rudhraksh floating in water

Roved block of the pipe

Ratting a pigs head

Red ntjeti

Running with a horse

Repairing watch

Receiving silk saree in my dream

Refugee caravan camp

Rape me

Removing of teeth

Rocks inside feet

Removing of makeup

Rabbit with no hair

Raagi ball and green moong salan

Running track race and coming first

Red furniture blocking door

Red halo

Roof gone

Receiving money from priest

Roof is collapsed and fought himself in debris

Running water in the faucet

Receiving ow in a dream

Raw mango

Red spotty rash on legs

Removing hedges

Romantic suitors


Ripped nylon

Red birds


Reading kafir

Rats on ceiling

Receiving visa and work permit as a gift from helping people

Rocket explosion in a concert stadium

Rocket explosion injuring many people

Red dhoti wearing person

Rusty nail in head

Running amok

Return from haj any diy

Rotten passion fruit

Riding in an overloaded car

Ring tightening

Ripe pepper and unripe peppers

Refusing to go to war

Roll holder

Returning a bag to its owner


Reading allah humma labbaik in makah in muharram in my dream

Recurring place

Recurring fictional places

Reptile egg

Ripe mangoes in a big tree

Recieving white clothe in a dream

Repair my wrist watch

Red paint on gate

Ripping a plying card

Rusted trophy

Received old clothes

Rape a woman

Rosgulla eating

Reading palm

Rectangles in dreams

Red giant

Ripe water apple

Rain flood carried my clothes

Rain wet your bed

Receiving a bread from church and eating it

Red heart necklace

Roled triple duces playing dice

Red carpet spiral staircase in a recurring dreams

Retarded baby and

Rejecting money that is from your enemy in the dream

Remove one pieces worm from cabbage

Ripe sweetsop in a dream

Rabbit running and biting me

Rushing rain water

Raking leves

Ripping and tongue

Rubbing small hands

Rsins on chairs

Received gifts in temple

Roblox bobby

Rostering maize in the dream

Rolling pins

Rearing acow

Repairing a dilapidated house

Recieving money from a dead relative

River with logs

Red screen with jewellery


Returning a lost wallet to its owner

Returning a wallet foul money to owner

River and together

Ruby dagger

Rash all around the body

Removal of grave

Rain in the beach at night

Running through a city

Receiving garlic as agift

Rotten baobab fruit

Running back home

Rat chasing me

Ruined chair

Red waistcoat

Removing gigger foot

Red and bright blue window

Receiving beautiful shirts

Receiving clothes(shirts)

Red bed headboard

Riding carabao sled

Riding a carabao sled with a baby

Red dot on forehead

Rubbing eyebrows off

Return with ex wife

Receiving a gold watch

Removing razor blades from the mouth

Receiving packages of biscuit

Reciting surah kauther

Ripe sapota fruit buying seen in a dream meaning

Rice that soaked in water

Returned id card

Ripping hair off toungue

Receiving a blood stained handkerchief from your father

Royal flush

Royal fluah

Receiving notes money

Relatives living in america

Repairing an appliance

River of souls

Red beef water

Robbing the bank

Ruyada agzim kuru demek

Rash on legs

Removing jiggers from my feet dream

Red palm oil in the dream

Rashes over body

Ring with red stone

Riding chainsaw

Reciting ya zuljilal e walikraam


Repeated silk saree dream

Relative who died

Reappearing socks after pulling off socks

Room with a water leak

Revealed that ex remarried

Receding ocean and finding jewelry

Reciting auzubillah in dream

Running, dragging, chasing

Root person

Receiving suit in the dream

Removing hand cuffs


Rashes appear in skin in dream

Ropes hanging off my legs

Ripped chillies

Roast monkey

Receiving holy host in the conmunion

Removing my slippers but later wear it in a dream meaning

Removing broken pieces of glass

Rabbit hole dream

Riding scooty dream meaning

Rose flower meaning

Rock rollong

Red piece of cloth received as a gift

Ring on little finger

Running tru a vantilacion

Running one legs and arms

Ribs in a package

Rhino chasing me around a room

Rainbow colour reptile walking away

Roasted cocoayam in the dream

Running towards ex wife

Received a prophetess call dream meaning

Riding a gray horse through dark forest

Riding gray horse on trail dark forest last in line climb up rocky burm to access light tool two attempts

Receive a new mat in dream


Red waistband

Reciting surah waduha in dream

Red snake under bed

Round beans

Roasting fish in the dream

Red water lily dream



Receiving coconuts in the dream

Removing clothes from the line

Red and white cloak

Rubbing powder in palm

Removing something from pocket


Reciving liquid red mercury

Riding a motorcycle in the water

Rotten potatoes


Road closure

Running with a knife



Removing mushrooms from your house

Receiving broom and

Right black toe

Right toe turning black

Rice flakes

Red oni

Receiving mustard oil from dead

Receiving a white rose from boyfriend

Running fast to go home

Running and your things are gone

Raspberries in an open jar

Removing maize corn cobs

Ring being removed

Running fast and then flying with my friends at school

Raped by teacher

Red skin spots

Red oil in a dream

Roof blowing off

Receive a pass word

Riding a donkey in a dream

Rejecting boiled hen egg

Removing dried scarf from cloth line

Removing dried clothes from outside

Rescuing a dolphin

Running away from a female mascurade

Red water in a river


Removing botflies

Ripped off

Robery shooting

Red pear

Rabbit sucking the blood out of my hand in my dream i just awoke

Rusty stainless steel shovel in natural spring

Rain and floods

Rash child face

Riding upstairs on a motorcycle

Roti dream number in shillong teer

Received palm kennel and cut coconut in a pot

Received palm kennel in a pot

Received lotus from priest in dream

Removing contact lens

Rushing and pushing to enter an exam room

Red ball following me

Rotten floorboards

Rainbow and roses

Rusty colored water

Raw gutted fish

Recieving a company milk invoice

Recieving a compaby milk invoice

Relatives , ceremony , confused way , white tika

Receiving boiled egg

Raped big mangoe meaning

Receiving vibhuthi

Reocurring dreams of thumb dislocation

Rice with weevil

Reoccurring tower dream

Receiving thambulam in dream

Removing a scab from your head

River large fish swimming near surface in clear green water

Retired teacher dreams of unruly class

Rolling in vomit

Repairing a phone

Reading hasbunallahu

Ripe chocho

Ripe chichi

Running at high speed

Relative running very fast to an event

Rubbish soda drinks

Removing the husk of coconut

Roasting someone

Raw foo foo

River sister

Red cyst

Red on skin

Removing stitches from my ear

Rodriguez riley dog



Red rose pedals blowing all over my body

Receving a wet curtain

Rotting thumb

Rash on body

Rich woman

Receiving a bank account

Robot pointing at you

Rock salt and turmeric

Receiving a gift from the dead person

Reciving garri from a pregnant woman

Right side face

Rodents in the walls and ceiling made my house crumble

Receiving snakes in a dream

Return back

Refused crossing the river

Ramadon breakfast

Ripe pears

Receive money from ur father as birthday present from his friend

Reuniting with deceased deceased daughter

Received stamps in dream what does it mean


Running in bush

Red baseball cap

Rabbits tail

Red velvet floor

River of dead puppies

Rabbit leg

Return id card in a dream

Received cassava as a gift in dream

Rash on the face

Repeatedly dreaming of standing in a gurudwara never seen before

Razor blades from mouth

Running away from demons

Red saree number

Received a new slipper

Rice on the floor

Rice pouring

Rugby match

Reversed parking

Russian bodyguard

Recieving sachet water

Receiving sachet water

Received a wedding invitation

Ringing bells in temple

Raw turmeric

Roof repair

Retarded albino child

Rough to smooth

Receiving money in a dream

Rattling doorknob

Rating nuts

Ridge gourd dreams

Rooster attack me

Riding a scooter adjusting the handlebars

Receive angpau

Red buikding

Red prayer place

Red monastry

Red monastery in drema

Riding on your back like a luge

Riding on your back

Roaches and shoes

Roches coming out of shoes

Repairing broken water pipes

Rose of jerico

Remembering a name

Running away from a gay pastor

Robbing someone

Robbing a company

Relative buried alive

Robot in dream

Receiving powder milk in the dream

Remove small piece of rock from leg

Rotten pawpaw in dream

Rice and sand dream meaning

Removeing pin under my feet what does it mean

Receiving paintings from a guy

Rain leaking in the car while driving

Red neck tie

Responsible for polishing a building floow

Rhino fighting to me

Rescuing a jackal

Respected sin

Removing hair from

Receiving congratulation in public means

Recurring dream about car crash

Refuse to give food

Rubbing raw egg on your body

Red screen door

Raw tiger and

Rhino breaking in my house

Rescue people from sinking ship

Receving kumkum pack 12pcs in dream

Receiving greeting cards

Recieving red rose from a woman

Radha dance himself

Red foot prints

Ripping pages from the quran in islam

Receiving money from prophet

Rain tunnel

Ripe soursop fruit seen in a dream

Ring falling in to water

Rain in beach

Relived an abusive scene from my past

Refuse cakes desserts

Rejecting to eat cakes sweets

Rejecting to eat cakes

Rejecting to eat deserts

Rejecting to eat desserts


Receive gift satin outfit

Reciting third khalima in dream to drive jinn away in dream

Rean fall in a dream

Riding a motorcycle toy in a dream

Received call from mother

Running from shadow


Rescue my husband who was kidnapped

Receive garden eggs from someone

Raw chicken pieces

Red pen not working

Roasted fish

Radha krishna idol in temple

Rhubarb pie

Repossession of furniture

Reciting lahaula walakuwwata illabillah

Rescuing childrens from devil

Red orange crab

Ringing bells in temples

Riding a bike with two people on it

Riding a bicycle carrying another person

Respectfully greeting an elder

Rubbing sheabutter on my body in the dream

Rummaging through deceased parents belongings that no longer exist

Release denied

Rotten coconut

Return exchange or barter

Rail tails cut off

Roula shareef seeing

Round mahogany table

Rudraksha mala breaks

Rabbit dream number shillong teer

Remove my hair from plaited

Rain worm toilet soda flood

Red people and the city in the street

Riding public transportation

Room ceiling fell


Renovating a home

Replacing a single sofa with new double blue

Relaxer on hair

Rescuing mother

Receiving money from my boss in the dream wh

Round boulders down the mountain

Round boulders

Removing sanitary pads from the toilet

Refuse errand

Refuse to go an errand

Receiving gift from temple

Red santa cap

Reading quran in dreams

Rejecting a kiss

Rescued by police officer

Rat on body

Running from snakes in a cemetery

Removing fishbone stuck in my throat

Red cloth hang

Read bhagwat

Receiving condolences card

Running out of water

River flows up hill

Receiving murugas vibuthi

Ram laxman sitha hanuman

Rusted coins

Rolling out roll of paper

Rose of sharon uprooted?

Rose of sharon tree uprooted



Removing cobweb on my cloth

Receiving plate of vegetables

Ragi mudde in dream

Running from something while carrying a baby

Receiving crackers

Really really tall

Reading shahada in my dream

Receiving a bed

Receiving new packer

Receiving new packer in the dream

Receiving business card

Running away from someone on a slippery road

Raw akamu

Recieving a mic

Receive calabash in dream from a royal person

Rainwater to drink

Rainbow eggs

Receiving dry coconut

Recovering a stolen phone from a thief means

Relative cutting dry coconut, tasting it and asking if this is what your deceased mother wants

Red collar and leash

Rescuing a baby boy from accident in dream

Rich man begging you for money | dream interpretation

Ripe lots of passion fruit

Red bucket filled with water

Ripe roast bread fruit

Ritual meanings

Room filled with women

Running away from dad

Refusing to give water in dream

Rejecting a small ecolac bag in dream

Running over a monster

Rubbing alchohol

Rabbit digging a hole in the soil

Receive a white envelope in a dream

Rotting banana

Rubbing powder on feet and leg

Rubbing powder my leg in a dream

Running away from someone who is trying to capture me

Receiving bitterkola in the dream

Rock hits face

Rainbow colors in dream

Red chilli powder

Removing pus from left hand

Receiving a call i won lotto

Running after a car that has departed

Riding lily pad

Riding a three leg horse

Rufus egg

Rejecting boil egg

Ripen passion fruits

Returning lost money to the owner means what

Right leg was cut then reattached

Rise bag

Retrieving a purse

Red and mulberries

Ripe durian tree

Rama and lakshman

Ram and la

Rusty tugboat taking on water docked

Returning to a previous home, getting some personal items that were left behind and then returning the key to the tenants

Red and black beads

Rice cut in the paddy field

Rejecting roasted dog meat

Refusing food

Real feelings of touch

Relatives of your landlord

Robots with dogs

Robots with doga



Railroad crossing blocked

Renting a hall

Raphael archangel

Recently dead husband asking you to bring porridge for him as he is hungry

Raven with ram skull medallion


Really groggy in the dream

Round frogs

Rupture dream

Running from chao

Running away from crossing the river

Red room in dream

Ripe cashews plucking in the dream

Rejecting to buy palm kernel in the dream

Received money from fetish priest

Receiving anointing oil

Receiving black slipper

Rhino attack

Recovered stolen car

Receiving money from a dead boss

Red dress, wedding, runaway from wedding

Reciting first kalma

Reassured about death by someone who has passed

Running being chased

Receiving car keys at work

Returning back the money

Rain quenching cooking fire

Removing handcuffs for my man

Receiving ankara as a gift un the dream

Robot bunny

Red broken candle

Ripped picture

Ray dropping

Rat and chicken

Rotten meaning in dream

Rotten meaning


Riding in a cart downhill in sand to the water edge

Round shape

Round sun

Rotten yam

Red cow head

Red cows head in the back of my truck

Release spems

Red silhouette from above sky coming at me

Red and sour fruit in dream

Running red lights

Rubbing melted butter on your body

Roller blading in ball gown

Refuding to take my picture

Refusing to take my picture

Ruyamda havuza giriyorum. girmeden once suyun soguk oldugu icin cok korktum ama girdikten sonar su sicacikti ve guzeldi

Running wood

Rain in mecc

Riding ontop of a brown dog

Running to escape

Running away and getting third place

Rich people in a dream


Removing deceased from grave

Removing a snake from house

Ripe bitter cola in the dreams

Removing bug from dog skin

Running through fence

Running through gates

Running through puddles

Running on a capsized ship

Roach in hair

Rode a grainy cow peacfully

Riding a brown horse in muddy water

Riding a brown hose in muddy water

Roasting gari in a pan

Red patch on scalp

Rose quartz ring breaking

Refusing to do money ritual

Road splitting

Removing buried coconut under

Ring of power

Remove ring from finger in dream

Run towards

Ring gem almost caught

Right cheek kiss by angel

Radha rani idol

Rail train

Rocky ground

Riding an airplane with my family

Running away and trying to find someone you like

Refusing to give some money in the dream

Receiving bitter kola from my dead father in my dreameans

Red cloth face covered

Red automobile

Riding in a chair in the dark

Ruin jeep

Ring wel

Red duppata on head

Rice hull

Running i. mud

Running horse shades means in dream

Receiving clippers as a gift

Red and purple

Reaper in boat

Rope bound

Ripe pomelo

Running while carrying a baby in the dream

Removing paintbrush from uterus

Receive gifts from priest

Razor blade between the lips

Returning clothes

Returning a clothes and other items in a dream meaning

Returning clothes back to the owner

Receiving crumpled money from someone

Right arms

Receivaing of white handkerchiefs

Recording music

Rain potatoes

Raw betel nut

Refusing alcohol in a dream



Raw green and

Red cushion

Red ow


Reconciliation with a friend

Roof having holes and things can be seen

Removing endless shirts

Red flares


Rotten apples in dream during pregnancy

Red and white dresses in a wedding

Ripe mangoes fall

Red amulet bag

Running around an old building in the risk of being caught

Registration letter

Replacing toilet paper rolls

Riding in a crane vehicle

Ranch palomino road

Rain of ice block

Refrigerator leaking

Racks of clothing

Rig in the

Red chilli with tree

Refusing to take a baby

River flowing backwards and turmoil

Red tides ocean

Red high tide

Rig and sea


Removing a stain of my bed sheet

Receiving menstruation pads in dream

Root growing out of head

Rotten grapes


Recurring dream about diamonds

River water flood

River flood water

Roasted rabbit

Ripe fruits falling from tree

Rice falling out of ear

Rusty wheelbarrow

Removing sleep crust

Removing sleep crustin the dream

Receiving a memory card in a dream

Ring with crown on it

Reciting ziyarat e ashura

Running away from rain stone

Running out of rain stone

Ruqya on jinn

Ram name in dream

Receiving a red gift box

Red gift wrapping

Reciting, hasbunallahu, wa, nimalwakeel seen in a dream

Reciting hasbunallahu wa ni man wakeel in dream

Rebuking evil spirits after seeing part of their bodies at your former house in your dreams

Rice paddies

Rough tide

Relative having sores on body

Reused manilla file folders

Red number

Removing chicken eyes

Received a letter from governor

Receivinf prayer mat from someone in dream

Receiving children clothes from my boss in my dream

Ripping roof shingles

Ruined cloths


River mermaids

River maid

Removing snail shell

Refuse money from deceased

Right toenail bleeding and falling off

Recharge cards

Rock ppol

Receiving a medal in a dream

Room full of dead people

Received white sorghum in a dream

Rever de gitans

Racing children

Receiving iron element in dream

Running towards horizon

Running towards pink horizon happily