The meaning of the symbols of shinny, gold, snake and playing seen in a dream.

See A Shinny Gold Snake Playing With You | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Shinny Gold Snake Playing

47 dream interpretation about shinny, gold, snake and playing related.

If you handle gold in your dream, you will be unusually successful in all enterprises.For a woman to dream that she receives presents of gold, either money or ornaments, she will m...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

See “serpent”...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

For a woman to dream that a dead snake is biting her, foretells she will suffer from malice of a pretended friend.To dream of snakes, is a foreboding of evil in its various forms a...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

1. Need for physical movement and activity; fun.2. To act out and release trapped emotions.3. Desire to take life less seriously. ...

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

(See Snake; Sting)...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Opportunity; sense of fate.The different suits depict different things. Hearts: emotions; relationships. Diamonds: riches; intellectual. Spades: one’s body; move­ment; sensualit...

Dream Source: A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences

Happenstance, luck, and skill....

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

(Diphtheria; Quinsy; Tracer; Tracker) A snake charmer in a dream represents mixing with evil people, participating in a competition, or racing against one’s enemy.If a sick perso...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

To dream of gold leaves, signifies a flattering future is before you. ...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

A dishonest accountant...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

Seeing bars of gold or crockery made from gold means losing some of a person’s wealth or the king or governor becoming unhappy or disillusioned with him....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

If this seen in his dream a son will be born in his house....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

If the origin and quantity is unknown and they are more than four, its interpretation is somewhat unpleasant. It represents grief and sorrow which he will experience. Receiving any...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

It symbolises unlawful and haraam wealth and clothing....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

(See Weasel)...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

(See Games)...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Seeing the above in the dream means that a person will be made to guard some trust.At times jewels, if mined and their quantity is not known, mean fortunes from which a person will...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

They represent his children whose numbers depend on the numbers he had seen....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

If a person sees himself in the act of melting gold, silver, iron or lead and casting any of them into any form such as coins, it means he will become the subject of people’s sla...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

(Cucumber; Large cucumber; Squirting cucumber) Seeing or eating the large variety of cucumber known as snake-cucumber in a dream means blessed money, a good business, or buying a n...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

False religion, Col. 2:23 ...

Dream Source: Christian Dream Symbols

A spiritual enemy that is harmless or easily resisted ...

Dream Source: Christian Dream Symbols

Symbolic of harmless enemies ...

Dream Source: Christian Dream Symbols

Symbolic of contested territory ...

Dream Source: Christian Dream Symbols

Symbolic of strife, Isa. 59:5 ...

Dream Source: Christian Dream Symbols

See Snake. Well-known symbol for a deceptive woman. Dangers in matters of the heart and erotic issues.See Enemy....

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

See Poisonous Snake. More than anything else, this is a symbol of fear.It is also often a sexual symbol, and a symbol of wholeness, transformation, and rebirth, as in Ouroboros.A s...

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

You will receive some public recognition....

Dream Source: Gypsy Dream Dictionary

Driving a gold vehicle delivers masculine expression. It may announce the identity of an individual who will be of great value to you. It signifies wealth....

Dream Source: Ariadne's Book of Dream

It signifies disappointment if you dream of working in a gold mine.The portent is less unfortunate if you dream of finding gold....

Dream Source: The Complete Dream Book

Vision: Dreaming about the lottery: be prepared for dishonesty and don’t have too many illusions. Flaying a game for money: deceit and quarrels ahead. Playing a game of cards: y...

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

Vision: Playing handball—or any other ball game: you always catch the luck that life is throwing your way and just in time (if—in your dream—you do catch the ball!).See Ball...

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

Vision: A playing card stands for reckless optimism. You are “betting everything on one card. “ Be careful! Watching others play cards: a rather unpleasant situation ahead. Pl...

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

Dreams of a gold fish represent the wealth and richness of your emotions and your inner life; recognizing the value of introspection and connection to the divine feminine within th...

Dream Source: Strangest Dream Explanations

Opening a brain pathway to a higher matrix level ...

Dream Source: Expansions Dream Dictionary

Family issues bring out the truth of God-Mind that makes you angry...

Dream Source: Expansions Dream Dictionary

Opening a brain pathway to a higher matrix level. ...

Dream Source: Expansions Dream Dictionary

Reptilian twinning/deception. ...

Dream Source: Expansions Dream Dictionary

Our basic spinal and lower brain reactions, such as fight or flight, reproduction, attraction or repulsion, sex drive, need for food and reaction to pain. This includes the fundame...

Dream Source: A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences

Vision: Owning gold is a sign of building too many casdes in the air and of trying to get ahead financially by sheer force. Giving away gold to others: try to be more discreet—d...

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

(1) Symbolically, the colour gold has connections with the sun and may represent new life, self-renewal; some new development in your psyche.See also Sun.(2) Gold, as something val...

Dream Source: A Dictionary of Dream Symbols

Snakes of different colors A black or dark colored snake may indicate that there is something ominous going on—or about to happen—in your life, as well as hint at potential p...

Dream Source: Dreams

To dream of learning to play an instrument suggests a sense of purpose and a need to apply yourself. You could have a project in mind or something you’re already working towards ...

Dream Source: Dreams Interpretations Hidden Meanings Symbols

Long before people used cards to play games, they were used to foretell the future. In fact, playing cards were invented for divination rather than for entertainment. Bear in mind ...

Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

King Cobra in dream meaning: A King Cobra could indicate that you are hypnotized by another person’s charm. Garden snakes in dream meaning: Garden snakes symbolize unfounded, ...

Dream Source: Dreams

If the snake bit you In this case, the snake likely has less to do with others in your life, and more to do with you specifically, your health. The meaning of a snake bite in a ...

Dream Source: Dreams

Snakes in Dreams Negative Associations with Snakes Positive Associations with Snakes Symbolism of Snakes Interpretation Based on Culture Psychological Inte...

Dream Source: Dreampedia

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