Quartz Dream Interpretation

Quartz Dream Interpretations: Insights from 13 Unique Sources

quartz image

Quartz Dream Interpretation

1- Quartz seen in dreams tends to represent the crystallisation of ideas and feelings. It touches into our deep internal processes, often enabling us to express that which we have found impossible before.

2- The crystallisation process was seen by the Ancients as the trapping of light, and therefore power and, on a subliminal level, this is still recognised by many dreamers.

To dream of quartz, therefore, signifies a recognition of developing power.

3- The quartz is recognised as both receiving and transmitting Spiritual energy.

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary

Quartz Dream Interpretation

(see Crystals)

A cold, distant person who never seems to let the walls down. In Greece, people believed that quartz was actually petrified ice that never thawed.

Pure, flowing inspiration and energy, especially in a religious context. Tlie priestess of Vesta gathered fire from heaven using a quartz crystal for the sacred flame: of the altar.

The ability to gain energy’ or power from your present situation. Note that quartz crystal holds a natural “charge,” which is why it’s used in watches.

Dream Source: The Language of Dreams

Quartz Dream Interpretation

The power of crystals is in their capacity to increase vibrational frequencies. Quartz is perhaps the most common and ubiquitous of all minerals that appear in crystalline structure.

If you are oriented toward the use of crystals in your waking life, then such a dream may be indicating a need to call upon such energy.

If you are someone who is less familiar with their properties, crystals in a dream might be inviting you to explore more esoteric concepts.

(See Stones, Boulders / Rocks.) 

Dream Source: Complete Dictionary of Dreams

Quartz Dream Interpretation

To dream of clear quartz indicates that you will have a significant and positive shift in your spiritual, emotional, and physical life. You may find amplification in energy and ideas. Large quantities of clear quartz suggests a change of address to a healthier environment. You may expect someone you no longer desire to joyfully disappear. Note color variations in the quartz as this will aid your personal journey.
Dream Source: Dream Symbols and Analysis

Quartz Dream Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: The crystallization process was seen by the ancients as the trapping of light and, therefore, power, and, on a subliminal level, this is still recognized by many dreamers.

To dream of quartz, therefore, signifies a recognition of developing power.

Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Quartz Dream Interpretation

Material aspects: Quartz seen in dreams tends to represent the crystallization of ideas and feelings. It touches into our deep internal processes, often enabling us to express that which we have found impossible before.
Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Quartz Dream Interpretation

Dreams of quartz crystal represent preciousness, and the ability to positively impact people. Also, this dream signifies that healing is taking place and that your life’s purpose is being amplified.
Dream Source: Strangest Dream Explanations

Quartz Dream Interpretation

A lovely piece of quartz in a dream is, oddly enough, a warning that you are in danger of being cheated by someone you trust Be extra cautious concerning any business with friends.
Dream Source: The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams

Quartz Dream Interpretation

Deep internal process, such as those shaping the body—consciousness can influence these, so the dream may show what relationship exists; the self.

See jewels.

Dream Source: A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences

Quartz Dream Interpretation

Vision: Quartz is a symbol of the solid core of your character.

See Crystal, Mountain, Rock Crystal.

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

Quartz Dream Interpretation

The quartz is recognized as both receiving and transmitting spiritual energy.
Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

3 dream interpretation about quartz related.

1. Love and forgiveness, especially of self.2. A need or desire for healing, openness and kindness.3. A need for physical healing, possible health issues. ...

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

As a transmitter and receiver of light, the sacred geometry of quartz crystals may bring you higher knowledge by opening the channels to the Upper World. Clear quartz may symbolize...

Dream Source: Ariadne's Book of Dream

Grounding light and activanng the root and sexual chakra, this crystal may be uncovered to help you reconnect with the earth. It may stimulate your sexuality and assist in the heal...

Dream Source: Ariadne's Book of Dream

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