The meaning of the symbols of long, black, hair, around, bed and post seen in a dream.

Long Black Hair Around Bed Post | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Long Black Hair Around Bed Post

48 dream interpretation about long, black, hair, around, bed and post related.

If a woman dreams that she has beautiful hair and combs it, she will be careless in her personal affairs, and will lose advancement by neglecting mental application.For a man to dr...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation


Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

To dream of a post-office, is a sign of unpleasant tidings. and ill luck generally....

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

To dream of a postman, denotes that hasty news will more frequently be of a distressing nature than otherwise.See Letter Carrier....

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

Used to make a public statement...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

You will be attending a social event at which you will be very unsure of yourself....

Dream Source: Gypsy Dream Dictionary

For young people, gray hair in a dream means dignity and it could mean longevity, weakness or poverty.If gray hair grows in one’s beard and head in the dream, it means poverty. S...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

(See Column)...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

In spiritual terms a black hole has the same connotation as the void or the abyss....

Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Stooping sickly; unbalanced leaning; prostrate helplessness; bowing with submissive adoration; leaning unstably...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

Hair is interpreted as wealth and beauty. But if such hair falls upon the face or tufts of hair is seen on the cheek it suggests grief and sorrow. According to some people it could...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

If your dream is all in black and white (with no color), you are experiencing an internal change. Your conscious and unconscious selves are merging to create a greater self. This i...

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

To see a lamp-post in your dreams, some stranger will prove your staunchiest friend in time of pressing need.To fall against a lamp-post, you will have deception to overcome, or en...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

To dream you see or pass a mile-post, foretells that you will be assailed by doubtful fears in business or love.To see one down, portends accidents are threatening to give disorder...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

To dream of postage stamps, denotes system and remuneration in business.If you try to use cancelled stamps, you will fall into disrepute.To receive stamps, signifies a rapid rise t...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

1. Insecurities, often regarding relationships.2. Fem­inine power, often hostile in nature. ...

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

The owner will acquire abundant wealth and tremendous happiness....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

(See Deferment)...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

A black cat can symbolize evil or bad luck for many non-Christians and is a common dream symbol in many nightmares...

Dream Source: Christian Dream Symbols

An outcast or misfit ...

Dream Source: Christian Dream Symbols

A postage stamp put on a letter may point to the cost or value of the message sent or received in a dream. It may represent the payment of dues....

Dream Source: Ariadne's Book of Dream

To dream of pubic hair indicates you are expressing your sexual feelings to others in a very demure fashion....

Dream Source: Dream Symbols and Analysis

To dream of having a black eye symbolizes your refusal to see the truth about something. This dream often suggests that the dreamer is experiencing emotional pain, possibly related...

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

Red hair usually suggests changes in the dreamer’s life....

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

Should you visit a hair-dresser in your dreams, you will be connected with a sensation caused by the indiscretion of a good looking woman.To a woman, this dream means a family dist...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

To dream that you are a street-poster, denotes that you will undertake some unpleasant and unprofitable work.To see street-posters at work, foretells disagreeable news....

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

See “camel” and “clothing”...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

A sign in the “game of life” that a goal is reached, and it is the end of an event; see “ballgame”...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

Enduring; having long legs is figurative of longevity...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

A notice of significance, not necessarily postal...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

See “mail”...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

Being notified beforehand helps prepare one for the delay...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

Information to note...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary Unlimited

1. Concern with appearance.2. Insecurity. ...

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

It means prosperity and becoming a leader in his community....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Black coins that are counterfeit symbolise deception, lies and quarrelling....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

If a person sees himself as receiving black coins contained in a bag or pocket, it means a secret will be told to him which he will guard as a trust to his utmost ability....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Black colour in all things is regarded as good and pleasant except in grapes. There is no good to be expected in them....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

It symbolises a good and prosperous year....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Black grapes, although in reality are excellent buit in a dream they do not augur well for the one who sees them.The reason being that Hadhrat Nooh (AS) cursed his son out of anger...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

If a woman sees herselfhaving a thick black hair in a dream, it means that she will marry a respected and a handsome looking husband.If she sees herself having a charcoal colored h...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

he will marry a wealthy woman....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

(See Sludge)...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

They signify blessings, prosperity, livelihood and wealth....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

(See Pepper)...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

(The corner stone of the Ka’aba; God’s House in Mecca) Seeing or holding the Black Stone of the Ka’aba in one’s dream means paying allegiance to the ruler, or it could mean...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

If a person sees himself cutting or clipping hair or wool using scissors it means he will amass great material wealth....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

His grief and anxiety will disappear shortly. Some say it means goodness and happiness through beneficial knowledge. Likewise, people will also derive maximum benefit from his know...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

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