The meaning of the symbols of inside, building, spinning and floating seen in a dream.

I Am Inside A Building That Is Spinning And Floating | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Inside Building Spinning Floating

44 dream interpretation about inside, building, spinning and floating related.

To dream of floating, denotes that you will victoriously overcome obstacles which are seemingly overwhelming you.If the water is muddy your victories will not be gratifying. ...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

The element of a good building in a dream represents love, affection, unity, progeny, prosperity, a garment of honor, and girls in one’s family.A strong edifice means strength an...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

To see large and magnificent buildings, with green lawns stretching out before them, is significant of a long life of plenty, and travels and explorations into distant countries. S...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

To dream that you are spinning, means that you will engage in some enterprise, which will be all you could wish. ...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

A spinning wheel used for separating the seed from cotton symbolises journey to be undertaken.If a man sees himself as spinning wool, hair or camel hair it means hew will soon unde...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Entcnng an office building in your dreams may represent concerns about work and your career. What floor you arrive on may represent the degree of success and recognition you expect...

Dream Source: Ariadne's Book of Dream

From a spiritual perspective floating in dreams is often a precursor to out of body experiences. In lucid dreaming we can learn to control flight, and to astral travel (deliberatel...

Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Spiritually, inside may have connotations of protectiveness and of a degree of introversion. Being inside suggests the need for some spiritual awareness, of being permitted to ente...

Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

also see Church in Buildings and Religious Imagery1- A church represents our feelings about organised religion. In dreams it can be a placc of sanctuary, particularly in the sense ...

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary

Flax spinning, foretells you will be given to industrious and thrifty habits....

Dream Source: Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

1. Body parts.2. Strengths and weaknesses of an individual. ...

Dream Source: New American Dream Dictionary

The building of one’s own house or another’s suggest pursuit of worldly gains proportionate to the construction....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

The building of a house in an unknown locality suggest that the beholder will accomplish good deeds and that he will secure for himself a favourable position in the hereafter....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

(See Air)...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

If a woman dreams that she has acquired a spinning wheel, if she is expecting, she will give birth to a girl. Otherwise a sister will be born, if such a spinning wheel has a spindl...

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation

Symbolic of rule, authority, government, Rom. 13:1 ...

Dream Source: Christian Dream Symbols

A building, like a House, almost always symbolizes the human body and personal identity. Pay attention to the type of building you see in the dream.The process of building usually ...

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

Level of awareness, level of physical presence....

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

A house nearly always refers to oneself, depicting one’s body and attributes of personality. Thus if we take a large house with its many functional rooms, the library would repre...

Dream Source: A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences

A challenge to find new directions....

Dream Source: Little Giant Encyclopedia

(see Fabric, Needle, Saving, Web)The passage of time.A creative process that sometimes seems as long and arduous as spinning gold into straw....

Dream Source: The Language of Dreams

The computer-processing chip that processes information at a rapid rate may refer to your innate intelligence. It may instruct you to go inside to find the answers. As its power is...

Dream Source: Ariadne's Book of Dream

Symbol: This symbol stands for building and expanding your life.Vision + Depth Psychology: Building something—no matter how big or tall— using a lot of materials, is a good s...

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

Vision: Seeing or walking into a new house: be more respectful and attentive to other people and the world around you....

Dream Source: Dreamers Dictionary

To dream of being on the inside or inside of something indicates a desire to become a part of a group. You seek comfort and support from others....

Dream Source: Dream Symbols and Analysis

interpreted upon 3 sides: validity of labours / works that pertain to the world, good, usefulness, acquiring [something] wanted, capacity / abundance in acquisition....

Dream Source: Islamic Dream - Cafer-i Sadik

(Such as a church, mosque or temple) as an environment for us to consider our system of belief, any religious building will suggest a place of sanctuary and refuge and a place wher...

Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Any temporary building, such as a caravan, tent or site office, suggests some degree of impermanence. In a dream, such a structure indicates a transition between two states of bein...

Dream Source: Dream Meanings of Versatile

Dreams about floating objects suggest that you are feeling a lack of connection or a need to become more grounded. Also see “Telekinesis.”...

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

If in real life you dream about anything being turned inside out, this indicates that whatever you are doing may be counter-productive. You may be feeling a sense of failure or bel...

Dream Source: My Dream Interpretation

Mental fixations....

Dream Source: Expansions Dream Dictionary

To build is to create something new; expanding or enhancing a part of your life.A large building is a tremendous energy source; suggests you have great opportunities, tremendous po...

Dream Source: The Dream Books Symbols

If the house is a reflection of the soul, the façade represents the image we project and the way we relate to people around. A façade in good condition is an indication that you ...

Dream Source: The Big Dictionary of Dreams

It involves construction and progress.If in the dream you are dedicated to building a house it means that you are rebuilding your life, so you have new projects. Buildings and hous...

Dream Source: The Big Dictionary of Dreams

The top could illustrate how you take life: going around in a thousand circles with each decision you must make. This dream recommends serenity and simplicity. Arachnophobia is an ...

Dream Source: The Big Dictionary of Dreams

The pyramid is said to be a focus of spiritual energy, so it if appears in your dream, your unconscious is drawing your attention to the power within. Dreams about old or ancient b...

Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

If you dream of a balcony, ledge or sill, this suggests a need for support and protection in your life. An elevator or lift in a dream usually suggests how we deal with information...

Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

Dreams about exploring a building are encouraging you to explore your own personality or resolve an ongoing conflict. In other words, the dream is encouraging you to make more of y...

Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

This represents your potential or those opportunities that are available to you. To be ’spaced out’ is to widen your personal boundaries through the use of stimuli, some of whi...

Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

Creativity or ingenuity.Productivity.Making use of what’s available.Motivation for change or progress.Evolution, development, or maturation.See also: Design or Plan; Factory; Mix...

Dream Source: The Curious Dreamer’s Dream Dictionary

A process, activity, or project in which something is created (such as art, music, construction, or building a relationship).The idea of making something out of nothing (or out of ...

Dream Source: The Curious Dreamer’s Dream Dictionary

Any religious building suggests a refuge where you can gather your thoughts and consider your beliefs. Even if you are not religious, in dreams religious buildings highlight your s...

Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

Dreams of diving, floating and swimming usually hint at your current emotional state or the need to tap into the resources of your unconscious mind.If you are diving into water in ...

Dream Source: The Element Encyclopedia

1. May refer to a particular congregation;2. The reference may also be general;3. Often a church will appear as a house in a dream or vision;4. May represent the individual;5. Plac...

Dream Source: Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model

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